I heard talk about a couple of new MMOs, Tower of Fantasy, and one other one which disappeared so fast I can’t even remember the name of it.

Those New MMOs

255 words.

Those New MMOs

I heard talk about a couple of new MMOs, Tower of Fantasy, and one other one which disappeared so fast I can’t even remember the name of it.

Begin cynical viewpoint!

It never once occurred to me to look into them, or reading posts about them, because it’s been almost ten years now since 2014, the last time any major studio launched a new MMORPG that tried to cater to MMORPG enthusiasts. (One of them already shut down.) At some point you can’t help but notice the pattern and stop falling for it.

If people are still talking about Tower of Fantasy in a month, or the other game I can’t remember the name of, maybe I’ll investigate. (It’s Noah’s Heart, which I mainly know as “that game Bhagpuss mentioned but nobody else has”.)

But history suggests that won’t be the case. Whatever happened to New World? Lots of positive buzz, lots of jumping on the bandwagon, lots of “you know, it’s actually really good,” then it disappeared. That other Amazon game I’m struggling to remember the name? (Lost Ark.) Same deal. Now both seem to be completely gone from the public consciousness, relegated presumably to some company-run community forums somewhere and occasional patch notes.

Instead, most people are talking about–you guessed it–World of Warcraft. Same as always. Scandal after scandal after scandal should have killed them a hundred times over, but they just keep right on chugging.


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