In the dream I saw a black cat glaring at me from a distance. I cautiously asked it, “When it comes to people, what is it that makes them attractive to you?”

Attractiveness - Blaugust Deep Dream Journal Part 10

311 words.

Attractiveness - Blaugust Deep Dream Journal Part 10

In the dream I saw a black cat glaring at me from a distance. I cautiously asked it, “When it comes to people, what is it that makes them attractive to you?”

“Are you serious?”

I hesitated. “Sure.”

That’s the philosophical question you pose to me?”

“Yeah. Why?”

“It is listed under a section entitled Philosophical questions for kids.

“Oh. That makes it a little weird, doesn’t it?”

The cat scoffed. “A little? Besides being a wildly inappropriate question for kids, it’s not even really a philosophical question. Again.”

“Maybe they meant college kids?”

“It quite clearly says, Let these philosophical questions spark fun and thoughtful conversation with your child, at the top of this section. That language is typically not used to describe people old enough to receive higher learning.”

“Look there. One of the other questions is How do kids and children differ from one another? They must have known this terminology discrepancy would come up. They must mean kids of all ages, like the Toys’R’Us commercials.”

“You give them far too much credit. What you see there is a grammatical mistake, not a philosphical question. There is another question in this section for kids that reads: What is the best thing about the current state of the world? Is the world better off this way? How do you explain asking that of a child?”

“Kids are interested in politics, I guess.”

Image source: I mean, it’s a black cat, what did you think it was? One of the feral cats from the woods I see from time to time in my back yard. I believe that’s one of the ones with a clipped left ear, which means it was trapped and neutered at some point before being returned to its habitat.


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