
28 entries. 23,946 words.


  • Stormblood’s a’Comin. 2017-06-08. FFXIV’s Stormblood expansion is arriving on June 16 for head start players, so I figure it might be a good time to talk about it. I pre-ordered it a long time ago, but I haven’t commented much about it. I did at one point write a post about some of the early feature announcements, but naturally, I never got around to publishing it, and it’s super obsolete now. When last we left our intrepid main character back in January, she was sitting at ilvl 224, having just geared up with ilvl 230 items from The Weeping City.
    • MMORPG
    589 words
  • Stormblood Very First Impressions. 2017-06-17. Glad I got the memo about the dress code here. It’s here! Well, if you pre-ordered. Upon first logging into Stormblood, I was greeted by this very prominent window explaining the new Song Gauge for the Bard job. “Here we go,” I thought, sighing heavily. This was exactly what I was afraid of: Huge changes to my class that will require mental energy and work to learn. The FFXIV equivalent of a talent point respec.
    • MMORPG
    • Reviews
    1,207 words
  • FFXIV – Finding Fun Without Instances. 2017-06-19. You’ve probably heard that there were one or two significant technical issues with FFXIV’s Stormblood early access over the weekend. Aywren summed it up pretty well. Even outside of the Stormblood content gate where I am, most times I tried to venture into an instance of any kind (dungeon, job duty, anything except PotD for some reason), I was disconnected from the server and couldn’t log back in with that character for up to an hour because of the dreaded Error 90002.
    • MMORPG
    1,322 words
  • FFXIV – Antitower and 3.2 Finished. 2017-06-20. Sunday afternoon I finally completed something I’ve been putting off for about six months now: The Antitower. I wasn’t planning to, it just sort of happened. I had just gotten back from the grocery store Sunday afternoon. I sat down to figure out what to do for the rest of the day. My mood was better than usual for the waning hours of a weekend, and I was wondering if instances were still broken (I had heard they weren’t but I suspected they might go bad again as server congestion ramped up), so as an experiment I queued up for my nemesis The Antitower.
    • MMORPG
    1,802 words
  • FFXIV – Sohr Khai and Palace of the Dead. 2017-06-21. I started Monday evening with what I thought would be a quick trip through the level 54 job duty for the Samurai. I failed it three times. Apparently I haven’t learned nearly as much about playing the Samurai as I thought I had. The instance first has you fighting a lot of opponents simultaneously. They hit you for a lot of damage, too. Of course our fearless samurai trainer from the East just stands there and watches while you struggle.
    • MMORPG
    1,540 words
  • FFXIV – Stormblood Launch Day PvP. 2017-06-22. I was dragging most of the day Tuesday so when I got home I stuck to simple, low energy tasks on Stormblood’s official launch day. Being launch day, I first had to enter a code on my account page to activate the game again. Square Enix somehow continues to have one of the worst systems for activating your game account in the history of the universe. You have to enter a code to get into the early access (two of them, in fact), then you have to enter another code to get in on launch day.
    • MMORPG
    1,104 words
  • FFXIV – Heavensward, What Happened?. 2017-06-23. Still bumping around doing miscellaneous tasks of little import in Stormblood. But lately I’ve been thinking about Heavensward, the previous FFXIV expansion. I pre-ordered it early and was in there on early access launch day, but looking back on it two years later, I didn’t play it very much at all. (Yet for some weird reason, I remained subscribed the whole time.) In FFXIV ARR (2.x), I leveled all of the following jobs to 50: Bard, White Mage, Dragoon, Black Mage, Miner, Botanist, Carpenter, Weaver, Alchemist, and Leatherworker.
    • Blog
    • MMORPG
    687 words
  • FFXIV – Stormblood Begins!. 2017-06-30. I officially started the Stormblood Expansion on Monday night, by which I mean that I’ve finally started into the Stormblood Main Scenario Quest. I’m trying something I’ve never done before: I’m recording my MSQ adventures. I very rarely record MMORPGs, because frankly I find MMORPGs are among the least interesting kinds of games to watch. I constantly wonder why people stream them. (Most of what you see on the screen is just the UI.
    • MMORPG
    1,063 words


  • FFXIV – Stormblood In Pictures. 2017-07-04. Too busy playing to write anything. As of now I’m about 3/4 of the way to level 65, plugging away at the Main Scenario Quest in Yanxia. (See YouTube for excruciating detail.) Here are some screenshots. This anonymous lalafel photobombed my shot of the Kugane market. Arriving in the underwater village of the Kojin (I call them ninja turtles). The underwater palace Shisui of the Violet Tide. A little haunted forest in The Fringes called Dimworld.
    • MMORPG
    120 words
  • FFXIV – More Stormblood In Pictures. 2017-07-05. Still too busy playing to write anything. I’ve reached the Azim Steppes and level 65. Here’s some more screenshots. :) The picturesque part of The Fringes. Not sure if floating or crucified. There is a very tall stack of rocks in The Ruby Sea. UFO sighting in Yanxia. You can’t go to that zone yet. :) Gasp! Foreshadowing! The Azim Steppes, exactly where I am in the story as of Tuesday night, and yet another lalafel photobomb.
    • MMORPG
    87 words
  • FFXIV – Stormblood Snippets. 2017-07-07. I won’t try to summarize the entire Main Scenario-I’ll just say that I’m completely hooked and invested in the story as of level 66 in the Azim Steppe. The hokiness and stiltedness of the FFXIV-style cut scenes that most people complain about are completely unseen by me. If canned emotes and stoic nods-essentially the 3D equivalent of a puppet show-is what they have to do to deliver quality storytelling at a consistent pace, I’m fine with it.
    • MMORPG
    573 words
  • FFXIV – Even More Stormblood In Pictures. 2017-07-11. Puffy sheep with rat tails! Wait I thought there weren't supposed to be any horses in Eorzea? Wait is Eorzea a continent or a planet? I don't know this game very well apparently. \*scratches head, looking puzzled\* Slight diversion to see the Binding Coil raids: I’ve always wondered who the twins’ parents are. They never talk about them. Wonder twin powers, activate! (I’m sure I’m not the first to make that joke.
    • MMORPG
    134 words
  • FFXIV – Collectables Grokked. 2017-07-24. I’m going to try to document here what I’ve figured out about gathering collectables in FFXIV, because there is almost a 100% chance that I will forget this someday and a future version of me will need to re-learn it. Collectables are similar to the Grand Company Provisioning missions you can do once per day, which look like this: Collectables are a bit better, though, because you can hand in a lot more every day.
    • MMORPG
    1,157 words
  • Shelf-Life of an MMORPG. 2017-07-25. “Remember when we used to talk about Three-Monthers? Ah, those were the days!” -Bhagpuss That quote from Inventory Full made me chuckle, because I had recently been thinking that it took me precisely three weeks to play through the Stormblood expansion story. And that was going slow, recording everything, talking to everyone around the quest givers, and reading all of the unvoiced text out loud for the video. I could not possibly have done it any slower.
    • MMORPG
    561 words
  • FFXIV – Bard 4.0 Thoughts. 2017-07-28. I posted a comment on Aywren’s blog that made me think I should write a short post about what I’ve learned about the Stormblood Bard job. Then I wrote a way too long post about it, because that’s what happens when I’m bored for long periods of time. I’ve leveled a Samurai from 50 to 55, but other than that, I’ve been playing the Bard almost exclusively in Stormblood. I’ll admit the new abilities were a bit tough to grasp at first, but fortunately it wasn’t an impediment to playing through the content.
    • MMORPG
    1,139 words


  • FFXIV – Latest Adventures. 2017-08-02. To make a long story short, I left my old job and will be home all this week before starting a new part-time job Tuesday. (Technically it’s in the same building.) Being home is weird. I’m not quite sure what to do with myself. I haven’t had a full week off of work since the last time I changed jobs, which was in July 2014. That means I’m writing this post on Tuesday morning on my gaming PC, which is a very strange situation for me.
    • MMORPG
    • Healing
    1,183 words
  • Random Friday Tidbits. 2017-08-18. Another brief post just to post something today. GW2. I did in fact retry Chapter 16, “Hearts and Minds,” and beat it after two more attempts Thursday night, which took another hour. If you leave the instance for any reason, by the way, you have to start all over. So take my advice: Don’t rage quit if you die to the last boss. :) I’ll probably start Living Story Season 3 this weekend although I’m kind of burned out on GW2 already.
    • MMORPG
    • Musings
    • Progression Report
    298 words
  • FFXIV – Stormblood Story Deep Dive. 2017-08-24. Here’s another post I wrote a long time ago but never published because I forgot that I wrote it. Previously I gave a high-level summary of the Stormblood story, but now I want to dive deeper into more detail. There will be huge, massive, unbelievable, mind-shattering spoilers here that go far beyond anything that was in the previous post, so you’ve been warned. The biggest plot problem I remember: There was one point in the story when our heroes had to watch while Yotsuyu terrorized some villagers.
    • MMORPG
    2,087 words
  • FFXIV – The Rising Event. 2017-08-27. Hard to believe it’s been four years since The Calamity. I don’t normally care that much about these anniversary or holiday events, but when I saw the wind-up Gosetsu I knew that I had to have him. Not that I ever take out minions in the game or anything. It’s just the principle of the thing. I had it in my head that The Rising wouldn’t be starting until after the Tuesday patch, but this morning (Sunday) I logged in and everybody was talking about it, so I went to Ul’dah and sure enough there was the NPC.
    • MMORPG
    220 words


  • FFXIV – 4.1, The Legend Returns. 2017-10-19. I dragged myself away from Guild Wars 2 for a little while to play through the FFXIV 4.1 Main Scenario Quest, “The Legend Returns.” I’m so happy to be caught up with FFXIV and be in a position to play these patches when they come out, instead of rushing to catch up later. I didn’t even have to get any new gear. This is probably the first time I’ve ever been so caught up in any game.
    • MMORPG
    • Reviews
    821 words
  • FFXIV – 4.1 Features. 2017-10-21. Last time I only talked about the story, but this time I want to talk about some of the new features in Patch 4.1. Royal City of Rabanastre The new Rabanastre Raid is typical for an alliance raid. Lots of mechanics and most of them try to kill you. By now I’ve learned that it’s pointless to try to watch a guide beforehand for these things, so I just jumped in totally blind.
    • MMORPG
    • Reviews
    1,223 words
  • FFXIV – Raids ‘n’ Things. 2017-10-24. That's the World of Darkness minion. I started to write this as a comment on Aywren’s post about Alliance Raids, but it was getting too long. I agree completely about using the Alliance Raids to level from 50. My testing shows you get 200-250k experience per run (tested at level 58 and 59), not counting rested experience, and Roulette bonuses, which add that much more. That’s a crazy high amount of experience-per-instance, bested only by dungeons, which usually take longer to get into and finish.
    • MMORPG
    1,135 words


  • FFXIV – 4.2 Rise of a New Sun Patch Notes. 2018-01-29. They aren't too concerned about spoiling things from the previous patch, are they? Roughly 75% of the 4.2 patch doesn’t interest me, but there’s a few cool things in there. This cracked me up: You won’t be able to skip the cut scenes in Castrum Meridianum and the Praetorium anymore. If I were a new player, I’d be glad about that, because I’d hate to miss them (I honestly don’t remember if I watched them the first time or not, or if I ever have).
    • MMORPG
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  • FFXIV – 4.2 Rise of a New Sun Completed (Spoilers). 2018-02-19. I put off FFXIV for a couple of weeks while I finished my Fallout 4 obsession, then I jumped in and completed the Main Scenario Quest for the 4.2 Patch. It took two whole days, maybe three total hours. I’m glad to have finished it. I had basically zero interest in playing it, to be honest, but I know from experience that no matter how much one doesn’t feel like playing the MSQ, it’s far better to stay up-to-date than to have to catch back up later.
    • MMORPG
    627 words
  • Kitchen Sink Post #6. 2018-02-23. _I’m still tinkering with the formula for this weekly “bullet post” thing. Now I feel like I should include news items and any interesting progress I’ve made on games I’m playing. _ ESO… always seems better in screenshots. I started the week playing some FFXIV, trying to work on improving my gear with Rabanastre runs and Omega 4.0 runs. Then I started playing ESO, trying to find what it was that everyone keeps saying that they love about that game.
    • MMORPG
    • Roundup
    318 words


  • MMO Roundup #9. 2018-03-16. A weekly diary of MMO news and observations. The Bane Bard 330 outfit, mostly. The boots don't match! It’s been a very unusual multi-game bonanza lately. Normally I stick with one game at a time, but I’ve been all over the place. This is not a good thing. It means that none of the games I’m currently playing are all that interesting to me, and I’m in that mood where I’m searching for The Next Big Thing.
    • MMORPG
    • Roundup
    681 words


  • Weeklies – ESO, SWL. 2018-04-20. Yikes, April is almost over already. I finished Secret World Legends’ Red Sun, Black Sand and left Egypt behind. I’m taking a break for a while. This past weekend I decided to try to play through the Morrowind content in ESO. It took four tries, but I finally got past the first meeting with Vivec and into the rest of the story. (I had a hard time finding a character I wanted to play.
    • MMORPG
    • Roundup
    302 words


  • Week End – Summerset, FFXIV 4.3. 2018-05-26. News and observations from the past week. Fort Frolic from BioShock Remastered. In The News Steam is (allegedly) cracking down on sexytime cartoon games. I say “allegedly” only because I personally couldn’t confirm any official communications from Valve, I only read the second-hand reports from potentially affected developers. This caused a bit of an uproar in the Twitterverse. My only two cents is that this is an example of one of the many universal truths in life: You can choose to make an artistic statement or you can choose to make money, but very rarely can you choose both.
    • MMORPG
    • Roundup
    584 words

Just so I know, this is a list template.