New World

12 entries. 10,537 words.


  • Amazon’s New World Reveal. 2016-09-30. The following is a very cycnical screed about Amazon’s New World, fueled mostly by yet another rainy day and the constant barrage of Internet commenters acting shallow and uneducated about the election. And I have a headache. Please look away if you’re excited about this game. I am reacting only to the one paragraph of information shown in MOP’s reveal article, which is the same information shown on the Amazon page.
    • MMORPG
    482 words


  • Hopes and Predictions for New World. 2016-10-14. Based on the video, this poor fellow is apparently the only person working on New World artwork. :) Since Amazon was kind enough to tell us they were working on an MMORPG without telling us anything about it, I thought it might be fun to throw out a wish list for it, and also try to predict what they’ll actually do.* Check back in two or three or four years to see how well I did!
    • MMORPG
    1,906 words


  • Amazon’s New World, Part Two. 2017-03-07. From a draft written somewhere around October 2016… I finally got around to watching Amazon’s teaser video, thinking that it would erase my earlier skepticism and soften my opinion about their upcoming games, and maybe even start to get excited about the possibilities. Unfortunately it only pushed my skeptical buttons even harder. “What if a game was built for Twitch,” wonders a voiceover 12 seconds into the video. Instant buzzkill. The video goes on to mention Twitch about five times in the first 60 seconds, before anything about games.
    • MMORPG
    • Opinion
    317 words


  • MMO News Roundup. 2018-01-19. I’m trying an experiment here: A list of MMO news that I found noteworthy during the week. I’m trying this slightly retro blogging format because, to be brutally honest, for most MMO topics, I have a lot of trouble summoning up more than a few sentences of commentary, which results in a glut of unfinished blog drafts and a paucity of published posts (ha!). The challenge here will be finding a picture to use.
    • MMORPG
    • Roundup
    799 words


  • Week End – EQ Royale, New World. 2018-05-05. I’m moving this post to Saturday so I can mention stuff that happens on Friday, which previously fell through the cracks. (Of course nothing happened on Friday this week.) The MMO news and blogging world dries up completely on weekends so it’s a better time for recaps anyway. My Week It’s been a slow gaming week for me. I played a little bit of ESO, a little bit of DDO, and, for the first time, a little bit of a Steam sale game I bought in December 2015 called Ryse: Son of Rome.
    • MMORPG
    • Roundup
    490 words


  • That Amazon New World Preview – Blaugust 22. 2018-08-22. From the [new New World game site][1]. Cool for a game, but loads of historicity to pick apart there. :) We got our first “hands on” look at Amazon’s New World from Tech Advisor UK, and it doesn’t look pretty. (I mean, it looks pretty, sure, but I am referring to the gameplay.) Here’s what I’ve previously written about New World: Amazon’s New World Reveal Hopes and Predictions for New World Amazon’s New World, Part Two Week End - EQ Royale, New World I’ve had a rather cynical take, to put it mildly.
    • MMORPG
    • Musings
    680 words



  • New World, Day Six Bullet Points. 2021-10-03.

    Bullet points because I don’t feel like writing an essay.

    • Gaming
    1,005 words
  • New World - The End ...?. 2021-10-04.

    On the seventh morning of New World I think I can confidently report that this game isn’t for me.

    • Gaming
    778 words
  • Now What?. 2021-10-06.

    Searching for the next game to play, and also apparently listing every game I’ve looked at recently.

    • Gaming
    1,319 words