Before and after I started a new job in March, my gaming time and interest plummeted to nothing, so I commenced a period of short gaming sessions of mainly free games and demos which continues to this very day.

The Random Game Era Begins

319 words.

The Random Game Era Begins

Before and after I started a new job in March, my gaming time and interest plummeted to nothing, so I commenced a period of short gaming sessions of mainly free games and demos which continues to this very day.

Valheim - Snap Judgment. The hot new game every MMORPG player is (or was) raving about, but I didn’t see what all the fuss was about. (I returned it after finishing this video.) The first of many random games I played during a time period of adjusting to a new job and a new recording setup. Recorded 2/28/2021.

Outriders Demo Pt 1/2 - Snap Judgment. A nonsensical mashup of story genres, with unoriginal gameplay. Yet another AAA title we’ve all played before. Recorded 2/28/2021.

Outriders Demo Pt 2/2 - Snap Judgment. A second look at a nonsensical mashup of story genres, with unoriginal gameplay, this time in short pants. Mainly this was recorded not to play the game, but to test a Corsair headset. (The Corsair headset is awful.) Recorded 3/6/2021.

Halcyon 6 Lightspeed Edition - Snap Judgment. A deceptively complex space game in a visually simplistic package. It was way more complicated to learn than I wanted to deal with so I only played for a short time, but it might be worth going back to someday when I have more mental energy. Recorded 3/7/2021.

Sunless Sea Pt 1/2 - Snap Judgment. Looks like a top-down Victorian steamer ship combat sort of game, but it’s really a choose-your-own-adventure story game. A lot more about rats and guinea pigs than you might think. Recorded 3/8/2021.

Sunless Sea Pt 2/2 - Snap Judgment. You guessed it, I only continued playing Sunless Sea to test another new headset. Recorded 3/10/2021.

Surviving Mars - Snap Judgment. A nifty base-building and/or city-building style of game, but also a micromanagement simulator game which I can only deal with for short periods of time. Recorded 3/13/2021.


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