
7 entries. 4,817 words.


  • Games Played – May 2019. 2019-06-03. This should be a pretty short list. Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, 53 hours. I finished my first playthrough and started NG+. I got bored about halfway through NG+ though. 7 Days To Die, 2 hours. I don’t remember why I played this. I think I might have been playing it while listening to Critical Role early in the month. I have thoughts about the newest version but I can’t remember what they are at the moment.
    • Consoles
    • Roundup
    334 words
  • E3 Non-Reaction. 2019-06-10. I wrote this tweet this morning: Man, when I hear people talking about E3, I realize I must not be a gamer AT ALL anymore, if I ever was. This must be what it feels like to leave Scientology. — Endgame Viable (@endgameviable) <a href="">June 10, 2019</a> It’s a tweet that deserves to be a full blog post. But I have this terrible habit of saying everything I want to say in two pithy sentences, with little room for expansion.
    • Musings
    744 words
  • Bloodborne Impressions (PS4). 2019-06-28. Bloodborne: It’s fantastic. I’m not even finished yet and it clearly deserves to go into my entirely fictional All-Time Hall of Fame Game Library. That’s it. That’s my impressions. If you like this kind of game, it’s a must-play. (If you don’t, then you probably won’t like it, because it is the quintessential version of this kind of game, the template from which all others of this kind of game are poorly copied.
    • Consoles
    • Reviews
    • RPG
    1,767 words


  • Games Played – June 2019. 2019-07-01. Another super easy month to figure out. It was Bloodborne on the PS4. I basically only play one game at a time anymore, and have little interest in anything else until I finish with it. Bloodborne (PS4), ~50-60 hours. Time estimated by looking at how long I ran OBS Studio on my PC, which was 50 hours. However when I finished the game and entered New Game+ last night, the total save game time was 68 hours, but that extends a little bit into May as well.
    • MMORPG
    • Roundup
    • RPG
    239 words
  • Finished Bloodborne, Resumed Demon’s Souls. 2019-07-23. It’s raining this morning, which is always a bummer of a way to start the day. Even my dog and cat don’t want to do anything on rainy mornings. I thought I would mention something about games on this gaming blog for a change. I don’t know if I ever mentioned that I finished playing Bloodborne on the PS4. I’m uploading the video series now. (I did a much better job with thumbnails and metadata than I did with Sekiro.
    • Consoles
    • Musings
    • RPG
    809 words


  • Games Played – July 2019. 2019-08-01. Ran out of steam on Bloodborne and Demon’s Souls and went back to PC games in July. PC Games Elder Scrolls Online, 7 hours. Wow, whodathunkkit. I found myself intrigued by the Zone Story in Rivenspire enough to keep logging in to go through it. Still haven’t finished it yet though. Now I’m distracted by the Steam backlog. Lords of the Fallen, 2 hours. This was my alternate game when my hands hurt from using the controller too much.
    • Roundup
    169 words
