Shingles Vaccine Completed
233 words.

It’s 8 PM and I’m exhausted, so it’s far too late for me to write a post tonight, except this one.
I got my second dose of the shingles vaccine yesterday. The first dose, a few months ago, wrecked my arm for about a week and a half, but I don’t remember feeling bad after it.
But after this one, not only does my shoulder hurt so much I can barely lift my arm, but I also feel bad. Not bad bad, but headachy, low-grade fever, general muscle pain all over and just blah. A typical post-vaccine reaction.
I’m lucky I remembered to get the second dose. I got the first one at my doctor, and scheduled the second one to get at the doctor, but I completely forgot to go to that appointment. Then I forgot to make a replacement appointment. Then I noticed that I was pretty close to the end of my 2-4 month window to get the second shot, so I made an appointment at a nearby CVS. It took about two minutes to get the shot, and about thirty minutes to sit in a chair waiting for the shot.
Why yes, yes I did generate the header image for this post with DALL-E 2. It’s the main thing it’s good for.
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