Sunday Bits
155 words.

Dispatches from
10:54 # Okay been to the store, ate some unhealthy junk food, now ready to return to Baldur’s Gate 3 for the continuing adventures of trying to scrounge up a measly 400 gold to resurrect two dead companions. I watched the BG3 trailer for the first time this morning. Man they really give away a lot of important plot points in that thing. Major spoiler in like the first 5 seconds of the trailer. And the rest… I’m like wow I didn’t know hardly any of that after playing the game for nearly 40 hours. Thanks I guess? #baldursgate3
Indeed I spent most of the day playing Baldur’s Gate 3, where some Dramatic Story Developments occurred, and I finally went to the place with all the level 1 monsters where I think I was supposed to go to first. Probably would have been a lot less companion deaths if I’d done so.
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