Old Post Prompts
223 words.

Here’s a list of some old posts that I’m going to mine for topic ideas this Blaugust, which may or may not turn into a fruitful strategy.
- Pointers in Games
- BioShock Infinite – Game of the decade? Oh really?
- Which Difficulty is Artificial and Which Is Real
- Maybe It’s Time For A Break
- Is Chain-Pulling Harder?
- On the Removal of Leveling
- Which Fingers for WASD
- Re-Using Character Names
- Invert Mouse Forever and Un-Learning Invert Mouse and Results of Un-Learning Invert Mouse
- The Diefication of Star Wars Galaxies “It’s just weird and frustrating to hear about this game that I never saw and can’t ever see.” Not true anymore.
- How Long Should Dungeons Take?
- Changing the Holy Trinity
- ESO – What Does Floaty Mean?
- PC Upgrade, Annoying But Necessary “I’d say it took me a little over two hours from the time I shut down the old PC to the time I was installing Rift on the upgraded PC.” Ha! It took days for my most recent upgrade!
- Blogging The Hardest Way Possible
- Leveling Jealousy
- What’s The Best Subscription-Only MMO?
- MMORPGs Aren’t Dinner Parties
- What Does Buy-to-Play Really Say About An MMO?
- Things I Do And Don’t Buy
- The Line Between Hand-Crafted And Random
- Don’t Feel Bad About Getting Bored
- Bonding With Characters
- Comfort MMORPGs
- Blogging In A World That Hates Blogs
- Social Jumping
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