14 entries. 14,339 words.
Another Year Over.
I’m playing RimWorld in pretty much every spare moment of every day right now. This game is just amazing. If MMORPGs had even a tenth of this much interesting gameplay elements, maybe they wouldn’t be dying out. :)
Note: I don’t really think MMORPGs are dying out. They’re just evolving into the game equivalent of Marvel summer blockbusters: Designed by focus groups to appeal to the broadest possible audience, which often doesn’t include MMORPG players of the 90s, who are clearly in the minority of gamer audiences these days.
- Music
- Musings
- Videos
Endgame Viable Awards 2018.
It’s time once against for the prestigious Endgame Viable Awards for 2018.
2017 Awards 2016 Awards 2015 Awards I give out three awards for PC games only: Game of the Year, MMORPG of the Year, and MMORPG Expansion of the Year. In my warped worldview “Game of the Year” sort of implies Steam game of the year (because that’s the only place I buy PC games) and excludes traditional MMORPGs.
- Single-Player
- Steam
Games Played – 2018.
Every screenshot of RimWorld kind of looks the same unfortunately.
First, just the month of December, though I hardly need ManicTime to tell me this:
RimWorld, 142 hours. The final tally changed right up to the end of the final day. Incidentally, as I look at the blah screenshot of RimWorld up there, I should say that I never found the game the slightest bit interesting from looking at other people’s screenshots or descriptions.
- Roundup
- Single-Player
RimWorld Anecdotes.
Raiders tunneling into Ancient Danger. Again, the screenshot looks dumb and meaningless. Just trust me when I say this was a super dramatic, white knuckle, holy crap moment.
People on Twitter are probably sick of hearing about RimWorld by now, but blog readers can enjoy these quips for the first time! Unless you follow me on Twitter, then you’ve probably seen them before. But now you can read more about what I meant with the power of more words!
- Musings
- Single-Player
- Steam
A Train Wreck.
If you don't instantly recognize this, we can't be friends.
While seemingly every where I turn at the start of 2019 I see people talking about how it’s a great time to start blogging because blogging is super hot and rewarding and it’s all fine and nothing is on fire and burning right to the ground around us, *I* am sitting here wondering what the heck is even the point of this blog anymore.
- Musings
Cynicism vs. Observation.
I’m going to try a new thing this year on the ol’ blog. Last year, I would start writing a post, thinking it was the greatest thing ever, words flowing all over the place, but then I’d hit a wall and couldn’t really think of a conclusion, and I would wander away to something else. Then I would read the post the next day or the next, and realize it wasn’t that good, despite having a kernel of a good idea.
- Musings
Building vs. Simulation – Dwarf Fortress.
So a weird thing happened. I played more Dwarf Fortress. And then a little more. And I kind of started liking it. “It’s really not that hard once you learn it.”
This is Bekarlogem, my third fortress. Bekarlogem apparently means "Dippedpainted" which makes me giggle every time for some reason.
Ha! Just kidding. It’s still super hard. Every screen has a different method of navigating the menus. Sometimes it’s arrow keys.
- Musings
- Single-Player
Mini Studio Development.
I’m doing that thing again where my posts start piling up in Drafts because I write them on my MacBook Air in the living room, but I only add images on my gaming PC in the computer room, and I spend all of my time with my gaming PC actually gaming instead of adding images to blog posts, so the posts just sit here in Drafts until I force myself to add an image some days or weeks later.
- Music
Games Played – January 2019.
January has been a PC simulation game month, continuing from December.
The big oval room is a bustling tavern in my most-recent fortress, Amostitdun.
Dwarf Fortress, 69 hours. Yeah, I kinda still play Dwarf Fortress. It’s really not that bad once you learn it. No, really! I mean, if you’re a programmer, that is, who’s spent decades using programming text editors, moving cursors around and learning keyboard shortcuts. And also someone who’s played a month and a half of RimWorld beforehand to get the hang of this specific kind of game.
- Roundup
Only Five Games In A Year.
Naithin poked some of us on the Blaugust Discord to chime in on this: If you could only play five games in a year, what would they be?
It turns out this would not be a terribly big sacrifice for me. I don’t play a lot of games in a year to start with. I’ve already done some research for my 2019 year-end post, and the number of new games that I’ve purchased and started in 2019 is extremely small.
- Musings
- Responses
Dwarf Fortress Again.
Okay, yes, fine, I downloaded Dwarf Fortress again.
- Gaming
The Recluse Report - January 2025 Part 1.
A new semi-monthly post.
- Blog
Microblogging Journal through 1/27/2025.
Twenty-seven microblogging bits from ActivityPub.
- Microblog
The Recluse Report - January 2024 Part 2.
Three games I’m looking forward to, watching anime movies and westerns, the Washington hype train crashes, and a hurricane of news that’s impossible to track.
- Blog