Book Log

Starting in 2022, I’ve created this page to keep track of books that I’ve seen recommended, and whether I’ve sampled them, and whether or not I was interested enough to continue reading (or listening) beyond the sample.

This is a master list of books I’ve looked at recently, showing which have been recommended, which I’ve sampled, what I thought, and whether I went on to read them or not, and a link to a review if I wrote one.

1984: New Classic Edition by George Orwell (1949)

  • Added 3/17/2023.
  • Finished.
It’s a good audiobook–the New Classic Edition, well-read by Simon Prebble. You don’t really think of books from 1949 as being edgy, but there’s some pretty graphic content in there. Tame by today’s standards, but definitely not what you’d call wholesome. Doubleplusgood, one might say. With all the rampant information and language warfare we see everyday on social media every day, it seems like a good candidate for replacing that Once And Future King nonsense as required school reading.

The Mysterious Island by Jules Verne

  • Added 3/17/2023.
  • Finished.
An eclectic group of men (including the definitely not politically correct “faithful slave” trope) escape Richmond during the Civil War in a hot air balloon and somehow end up castaways on an island in the South Pacific, where they have to survive and eventually meet a mysterious stranger. Known mainly for being a sort-of kind-of sequel to Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea.

Around the World in Eighty Days by Jules Verne

  • Added 3/17/2023.
  • Finished.
A very plot-driven book where the characters just go to different places and see different things. Not particularly memorable. Many parts I fell asleep during and didn’t bother to go back and re-listen.

Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas by Jules Verne (1872)

  • Added 11/15/2022.
  • Finished.
[The Ultimate Science Fiction Mega Collection: 24 of the Best Sci-Fi Books of All Time] Public domain. Wasn’t what I expected. Three people are held captive on a submarine The Nautilus while Captain Nemo travels around the world and avenges himself against his enemies, but we never find out why. Another travelogue, just going places and seeing things. In the end, the three captives escape, get caught in a maelstrom and were certain to die, then the narrator is knocked unconscious and somehow they escaped. Hilarious deux ex machina ending, no resolution whatsoever.

A Journey to the Center of the Earth by Jules Verne

  • Added 11/15/2022.
  • Finished.
Public domain audiobook collection. Basically a travelogue: Went here, saw things, went here, saw things, went here, saw things, went here, saw things, went home. The poor guide on the journey never spoke. Distant ancestor of Back to the Future, in the sense that it was a young guy caught up in his crazy uncle’s adventures. Written in French, poorly translated to English.

The Dispossessed by Ursula K. Le Guin (1974)

  • Added 9/17/2022. Science Fiction, Harper & Row. The Hainish Cycle.
  • Sampled 9/17/2022. Audiobook. Interested.
  • Done 10/31/2022. Finished.

Theft of Swords by Michael J. Sullivan (2011)

  • Added 1/22/2022. Fantasy, Orbit. Riyria Revelations.
  • Yet to be sampled.

Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia (2020)

  • Added 1/4/2022. Horror, Del Rey.
  • Sampled 1/16/2022. Kindle Sample. Interested.
  • Done 1/17/2022. Finished. Review.
Noemí, a socialite, returns home from a date with Hugo. Her father shows her a troubled, rambling letter from her newly wed cousin Catalina about ghosts and her husband poisoning her, asking for help from Noemí. Her father asks her to go visit and find out what’s going on, because he doesn’t trust Catalina’s husband, a stranger to the family. Noemí goes on a trip. One chapter, that’s all I need to know this is worth buying.

Skyward by Brandon Sanderson (2018)

  • Added 12/26/2021. Young Adult Science Fiction, Delecorte Press/Penguin Random House. The Skyward Series.
  • Sampled 1/16/2022. Kindle Sample. Not interested.
1P. Prologue skipped. One. First Line Syndrome. “I” (Spensa) am in a cave hunting rats pretending I’m a great warrior fighting aliens. Returning home. Exposition. Standard Marvel-style popular quippy dialog. Standard exposition about home town Igneous as I walk. Back at the apartment with Gran-Gran, the standard cool grandma. Cool Gran-Gran tells cool stories about Beowulf. Cool Gran-Gran tries to teach me about “listening.” presumably, some kind of magic powers. Mother arrives. She’s the standard young adult stern mom, not cool like Gran-Gran, and tells me to do my homework. This first chapter expertly hits all the formulaic points of formulaic writing meant to formulaically appeal to a formulaic mass audience, taking no chances whatsoever. Inoffensive, but also uninteresting. DNF sample.

The Magician's Guild by Trudi Canavan (2001)

  • Added 1/7/2022. Fantasy, HarperCollins.
  • Sampled 1/16/2022. Kindle Sample. Interested.
  • To be read.
Chapter 1. Sonea is skulking around a fantasy town, thinking bad thoughts about people. Weirdly similar to May Day except nowhere near as annoying. She can’t read. Poor self-image. Meets with her old thieves gang. Stumbles into a trap, but gets away. Chit chat with the old gang. Sonea and her aunt were kicked out of their home. Exposition about the old King and his Purges. Agrees to throw rocks at magicians of authority with the old gang in defiance of the Purge. Sonea accidentally uses magic she didn’t know she could do and causes a ruckus. Chapter 2. Different POV, Lord Rothen. Magicians meet to discuss what happened. Themes of class warfare. Agrees to find the “rogue magician.” I’ve read enough, it’s worth continuing.

May Day: a very long subtitle by Josie Jaffrey (2020)

  • Added 12/31/2021. Urban Fantasy, Silver Sun Books (Indie). Seekers.
  • Sampled 1/16/2022. Kindle Unlimited. Not interested.
1P. Massive First Line Syndrome. Immediately don’t like the narrator because they’re childishly calling everyone stupid. Something about May Day traditions at Oxford, which are stupid, apparently. Not just stupid, but fucking stupid. Ugh I’m only on page 3 and I can’t take anymore. Reads like a blog post written as anger clickbait. This is an author who hates the world pandering to readers who hate the world. The writing’s okay, it’s just … an awful, hateful, spiteful, childish narrator. Worse even than characters in grimdark books. :) Less than a chapter, DNF.

Snowspelled by Stephanie Burgis

  • Added 1/12/2022. Fantasy. The Harwood Spellbook.
  • Yet to be sampled.

The Blacktongue Thief by Chistopher Buehlman (2021)

  • Added 1/9/2022. Fantasy, Tor Books.
  • Sampled 1/10/2022. Kindle Sample. Not interested.
1P. First Line Syndrome. “I” am a thief. Exposition, skimming. Robbing a woman, but she’s a “magicker.” Worried. Actually mentions “thieves’ cant.” Is this a D&D-campaign-turned-book? Exposition, skimming. Attacking the woman. Battle battle battle. The woman kicks their butt, leaves. Back to town. Tons of exposition about town. Skimming. To a tavern. Plays a game. Skimming. Cheats, wins game. Meets the woman they attacked on the road at the tavern. Skimming. A Bard singing some song. Skimming. Talking to barkeep. Skimming. Exposition. Stuff happening. Skimming. Starts a fight. The “I” guy is kind of a dick. Typical rogue archetype. Doing rogue stuff with a ring or something. More exposition about the rogue’s “luck.” I’m in debt, so I have to steal. Eh, that’s enough of this. It’s very rare that thief/assassin stories appeal to me, and this could not possibly be a more generic rogue archetype in a more generic D&D fantasy setting.Two chapters, DNF sample.

King of Ashes by Raymond E. Feist (2018)

  • Added 12/26/2021. Fantasy, Harper Voyager. Firemane Saga.
  • Sampled 1/9/2022. Kindle Preview. Not interested.
Daylon stands in the aftermath of generic medieval battlefield. (“Conceded” used twice in the first two paragraphs. Editor?) Daylon is thinking exposition. Conversation with Rodrigo, a bannerman ally. They talk about exposition. Skimming, skimming. Executing the defeated kings and family. Exposition, exposition, skimming, skimming. Daylon feels bad about it, presumably so we feel sympathy for him as the least brutal character so far, but he ain’t exactly stopping it. Skipping, skipping. Ugh, that was a prologue. Well, Feist blew his chance to hook me. It’s a Game of Thrones knock-off, without the interesting characters. DNF.

The Infinity Courts by Akemi Dawn Bowman (2021)

  • Added 12/31/2021. Young Adult Science Fiction, Simon & Schuster Young Readers.
  • Sampled 1/9/2022. Kindle Preview. Not interested. But might try again later.
1P. Cute. Super duper Young Adult. 17-year-old Nami getting ready for a date/party, talking to her AI watch Ophelia. Little sister interrupts. Like The Brady Bunch for nerds so far. :) Goes to the party. Skimming, skimming. Her friends want her to get alcohol. Skimming. Robber at the store. Shot. I thought for sure it would be a coma waking up in the future, but she’s in the afterlife–“Infinity”. Skimming, skimming. It’s like The Matrix, basically. But it’s not paradise after all. Something’s wrong. Meets people, running away, being chased, shot at. End of sample. Maybe it is the future. Tough one. Curious what happens, but it’s so very very young adult.. super fast pacing, style is even more Dan Brown than Dan Brown. One sentence paragraphs all in a row. Five super short chapters in the sample. Not much characterization, all action, yanking the reader along so fast you don’t notice what’s missing. Tough call, but not interested right now. Maybe later.

Our Bloody Pearl by D. N. Bryn

  • Added 12/31/2021. Fantasy, Indie.
  • Sampled 1/8/2022. Kindle Preview. Not interested.

1P. Humans are bad. “I” [Perle] am some form of marine species with gills [a “siren”], locked on a human ship on the ocean. It’s attacked. It’s boarded. The bad human captain flies away on a steampunky flying dinghie. The attackers are also humans, but they are nice humans, feeding Perle, shockingly. There’s witty banter between the two nice humans. Perle is fed eviscerated human entrails by the nice humans, because that’s what Perle likes to eat. It’s delicious. The nice humans apparently hate humans just as much as the sirens, and have no moral boundaries preventing them from eviscerating bad humans to feed sirens. The nice humans help Perle. Perle doesn’t trust them. They must be up to something. Humans are all bad. Perle rebukes them repeatedly in siren language, but doesn’t resist.

Not much characterization, just stuff happening, the only real hook is the reversal and subversion of “normal” tropes. To be fair, it’s among the higher quality of indie material I’ve seen, but it definitely seems to be pandering to an audience that isn’t me. One chapter, DNF.

The Fifth Season by N. K. Jemisin (2015)

  • Added 1/7/2022. Science Fiction, Orbit.
  • Sampled 1/8/2022. Audible. Not interested. But might try again later.

I already had this in my Audible library, and I’d already listened to the first 30 minutes some time in the past. I marked this “not interested,” but that’s a bit of a misnomer. It should have a separate category all to itself… a “set this aside and remember it for later when or if I have a full week of free time for this” category. The writing is beautifully rich and inventive, a rare second-person narrator voice, read extremely well by Robin Miles. It demands to be studied, not read, and requires a great deal of focus to process the linguistic gymnastics. For that alone, this book undoubtedly deserves all the accolades it’s received, and a second look (or third, in my case).

But … the first chapter is entirely prologue and backstory, and it doesn’t introduce any characters or story or conflict to follow, it just introduces the reader to a world which seems only mildly interesting at first glance, but mostly it just introduces the reader to the style of the writing, so I felt no imperative to continue to the second chapter, even though I’m sure it, too, will be beautifully written. If I return to this book in the future–which I should, because it deserves such–I should just start at chapter two. The first chapter is a self-contained story that does not need to continue.

Dragonflight by Anne McCaffrey (1968)

  • Added 1/7/2022. Fantasy, Ballentine. Dragonriders of Pern.
  • Sampled 1/8/2022. Audible. Not interested.
I already had this in my Audible library. Unfortunately Dick Hill makes this book sound dry as a dusty desert that hasn’t seen rain in five hundred years. I listened before bed last night and I can’t remember much of anything except a pair of men (brothers?) named almost the same thing, F’Nor or F’Nar or F’Neer or F’Nur [it was F’lar], one of which was looking for a wife, or something odd like that. I fell asleep and remember nothing that might compel me to continue listening. Couple chapters, DNF.

The Girl and The Stars by Mark Lawrence (2020)

  • Added 12/26/2021. Fantasy, Ace.
  • Sampled 1/8/2022. Kindle Preview. Not interested. But might try again later.

First Line Syndrome. Prologue. A baby is born and it’s a bad omen. Mercifully short–I hate prologues. Young kids in the snow talking about a “testing.” Yaz pining for a boy Quell. Strong arctic tribal identity. The tribe begins a forced march, Yaz can’t keep up, but uses hidden magic to boost her endurance. Quell says “I love you,” Yaz doesn’t say it back, feels bad (eyeroll). They arrive at the Pit of the Missing. A “regulator” senses Yaz’s magic, demands she go with them to Black Rock. Then the regulator tosses her useless little brother into the Pit (the “test” I imagine). Yaz feels responsible somehow. “It should have been me” yada yada. Plot twist, Yaz jumps after him.

Not bad per se, but starts as an undisguised formulaic Chosen One story. “You, kid, you’re special and now your world’s going to turn upside down” yada yada. Not seeing anything that would elevate this particular one above any other. Maybe it would land better at a different time.

The Eternity Brigade by Stephen Goldin

  • Added 1/8/2022.
  • Yet to be sampled.
Read the paperback long ago.

The Stars Are Legion by Kameron Hurley (2017)

  • Added 1/4/2022. Science Fiction, Saga/Gallery.
  • Sampled 1/4/2022. Kindle Sample. Interested.
  • Done 1/8/2022. DNF. Review.
Zan can’t remember anything except “throwing away a child”. She’s told she needs to assault “The Mokshi” to get her memory back, but she keeps failing and losing her squad, and she is the only survivor. She trains for the next attempt. Strange and mysterious.

Shadow of a Dead God by Patrick Samphire (2020)

  • Added 12/31/2021. Urban Fantasy, Five Fathoms Press (Indie).
  • Sampled 1/8/2022. Kindle Unlimited. Not interested.
There is technically a publisher but since I’ve never heard of them and they don’t seem to have a web site I’m going to go ahead and put this in the Indie category. 1P. Cliche writing and filler words. Reads like a blog post. Needs an editor. “I,” a mage, am looking for ghosts. Benny shows up at “my” apartment with a job to get a thing in a forbidden place. Seems like a Dresden Files knock-off. Know nothing about the main character, no name, gender, age, species, planet of origin, hobbies, goals, nothing, except they are a “mage.” One chapter, DNF.

Fated by Benedict Jacka (2012)

  • Added 12/26/2021. Urban Fantasy, Ace.
  • Sampled 1/8/2022. Kindle Preview. Not interested.
1P. First Line Syndrome. The first scene sounds literally identical to the first scene in Hounded, guy runs an Arcana Emporium shop in London, selling fake magic stuff to kids, but some of it’s real magic stuff, because he’s a real mage. He gets a call from Luna who has Some Inciting Incident Problem. Looks like another from that explosion in popularity of Urban Fantasy a while back, all basically the same, and written in the same way–ie. The Dresden Files. I feel like I’ve seen enough of these to last a lifetime. Might be better as an audiobook, with a good reader. (It’s read by Gildart Jackson. He’s okay.) DNF.

Magician: Apprentice by Raymond E. Feist (1982)

  • Added 1/7/2022. Fantasy, Spectra.
  • Yet to be sampled.

A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K. Le Guin (1968)

  • Added 1/7/2022. Fantasy, Parnassus Press. Earthsea.
  • Yet to be sampled.

Far From the Light of Heaven by Tade Thompson

  • Added 1/4/2022. Science Fiction, Orbit.
  • Sampled 1/4/2022. Kindle Sample. Interested.
  • Done 1/7/2022. DNF. Review.
Shell (ie. Michelle) is traveling into space on a ship piloted by a chatty AI to get career experience. She sleeps for 10 years. Then something goes wrong. Fin, on planet Bloodroot, is sent to investigate what happened. He’s new to the job. It’s a murder mystery!

Light Chaser by Peter F. Hamilton and Gareth L. Powell

  • Added 1/4/2022. Science Fiction, Tordotcom.
  • Sampled 1/6/2022. Kindle Preview. Interested.
  • To be read.
Amahle drives her ship into a subgiant, dies, and creates a supernova. Carlomen, with her, assures her that her death will be quick and painless: He’s done it many times. The next chapter starts with Amahle buying a cat. Wait, there’s no audiobook??!?

Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie

  • Added 1/4/2022. Science Fiction, Orbit.
  • Sampled 1/6/2022. Audible. Not interested. But might try again later.
1P. Robot or android or something pretending to be human, helping someone who was injured. Lots of linguistic fussiness over gender pronouns when talking to aliens. Stuff happening. Interesting idea to do a first person narrative from an android but … no story, no drama. Already had this on Audible because I think it was a Hugo nomination. (It was a Hugo winner.) One chapter. DNF.

Voice of War by Zack Argyle

  • Added 1/4/2022. Fantasy, Indie.
  • Sampled 1/6/2022. Kindle Unlimited. Not interested.
One couple (I can’t quite figure out who among these four characters Luther, Emory, Chrys, and Irieal) finds out their child has brown eyes in a ceremony, so they aren’t a “threadweaver,” and they’re disappointed. The other couple’s (third) child also apparently isn’t a threadweaver so, by some religious dogmatic law, has acid put in its eyes to blind it so it can become a priest because all priests are blind, and the couple is understandably upset, even though they knew the risks of having a third child apparently? Then the woman in the first couple miscarries or something? I have no idea what’s happening here. A confusing firehose of baby-related drama. Less than a chapter, DNF.

Chronicles of the Black Gate by Phil Tucker

  • Added 1/4/2022. Fantasy, Indie.
  • Sampled 1/6/2022. Kindle Unlimited. Not interested.
(Ha I was about to give up after two paragraphs but then I realized I was reading the author’s forward.) Asho is a squire about to go into generic medieval Fantasy battle. A “Sin Caster” shows up and wipes out Asho’s side completely (except Asho and another squire). Asho’s side orders a second attack wave, which is silly, because the first wave was destroyed to a man. So Asho decides to kill the Sin Caster by himself to save the day. One chapter, DNF.

Childhood's End by Arthur C. Clarke (1953)

  • Added 1/5/2022. Science Fiction, Del Rey.
  • Sampled 1/5/2022. Audible. Interested.
  • Done 1/6/2022. Finished. Review.
Aliens arrive on Earth, and they seem friendly. (I already had this one in my Audible library, it was free at some point.)

The Last Watch by J. S. Dewes

  • Added 1/4/2022. Science Fiction, Tor Books.
  • Sampled 1/5/2022. Kindle Preview. Not interested.
First Line Syndrome. Cavalon gets an examination. Military bro banter. Cavalon meets the leader, Rake. She’s serious. He’s an annoying snarky prick. (Even used the word “snarky” in the book.) Rake gives the standard “you can’t do that here” speech. Cavalon gets even more childish. Cliche piled on cliche. DNF.

Rosewater by Tade Thompson

  • Added 1/4/2022. Science Fiction, Orbit.
  • Sampled 1/4/2022. Kindle Sample. Not interested.
“I” works at some job and she reads minds or personalities or something. Stuff happening. DNF sample.

Artifact Space by Miles Cameron

  • Added 1/4/2022. Science Fiction, Gollancz/Orbit.
  • Sampled 1/4/2022. Kindle Sample. Not interested.
“I” bluffs her way onto a military space ship, and she’s riddled with imposter syndrome. Stuff happening.

Seven Devils by Laura Lam and Elizabeth May

  • Added 1/4/2022. Science Fiction.
  • Sampled 1/4/2022. Kindle Sample. Not interested.
Eris is on a killing rampage to get to a ship. Then she suddenly feels bad for killing someone. Clo is a Scottish-accented engineer working on some engines, when Eris shows up. Clo hates Eris. She even tells us so. Stuff happening.

Shards of Earth by Adrian Tchaikovsky

  • Added 1/4/2022. Science Fiction, Orbit.
  • Sampled 1/4/2022. Kindle Preview. Interested.
  • To be read.
In the prologue, Solace watches as an “Intermediary” named Idris fights off an “Architect” from the bridge of a spaceship with some kind of mind powers, which turns the tide of the war. Later, Solace leads a diplomatic mission at Lune Station. Idris is detained as a fugitive. Well-written enough to continue, but dense and dry and, while the prologue was interesting, the rest isn’t yet.

The Thirteenth Hour by Trudie Skies (2021)

  • Added 12/30/2021. Fantasy, Indie. The Cruel Gods.
  • Sampled 12/30/2021. Kindle Unlimited. Not interested. But might try again later.
“I” was late. Dru is with me. There’s an elevator. Missed a tram. Going to work. Living underground. Stuck in a queue. Stuff happening. Less than a chapter. DNF. (Recommended highly, try again someday.)

Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi

  • Added 12/30/2021. Fantasy, Indie.
  • Sampled 12/30/2021. Kindle Unlimited. Not interested.
Zelie is training with Mama Agba. She fights another student. They’re interrupted by bullying soldiers collecting taxes. Zelie is rebellious, Mama Agba scolds her. One chapter, DNF.

Ink & Sigil by Kevin Hearne

  • Added 10/31/2021.
  • Yet to be sampled.

Empire in Black and Gold by Adrian Tchaikovsky (2020)

  • Added 10/29/2021. Fantasy. Shadows of the Apt #1.
  • Sampled 10/29/2021. Audible. Not interested.
Listened to about 1.5 hrs. Don’t remember anything. Re-listening, it seems like typical epic fantasy that starts out reading like a dry encyclopedia about medieval politics.

Traitor's Blade by Sebastien de Castell (2017)

  • Added 10/29/2021. Fantasy. The Greatcoats #1.
  • Sampled 10/29/2021. Audible. Not interested.
Don’t remember anything. Re-listening for a bit, it sounds like generic fantasy with generic characters.

The Warded Man by Peter V. Brett

  • Added 10/29/2021.
  • Sampled 10/29/2021. Audible. Not interested.

Master of Formalities by Scott Meyer (2015)

  • Added 10/29/2021. Science Fiction, Humor, 47North.
  • Finished. Review.

A Memory Called Empire by Arkady Martine

  • Added 9/10/2021.
  • Sampled 9/10/2021. Audible. Not interested.

Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir (2021)

  • Added 9/8/2021. Science Fiction, Ballentine Books.
  • Finished. Review.

The Man In The High Castle by Philip K. Dick

  • Added 11/29/2019.
  • DNF.

In the Heart of the Fire by Dean Koontz

  • Added 11/29/2019. Horror. Nameless #1.
  • Yet to be sampled.

Photographing the Dead by Dean Koontz

  • Added 11/29/2019. Horror. Nameless #2.
  • Yet to be sampled.

The Outsider by Stephen King (2018)

  • Added 8/13/2018. Horror, Scribner.
  • Finished. Review.

Sleeping Beauties by Stephen King, Owen King

  • Added 8/13/2018.
  • Yet to be sampled.

Scourged by Kevin Hearne

  • Added 5/22/2018. Urban Fantasy. The Iron Druid Chronicles #10.
  • Finished. Review.

The Land: Foundling: A LitRPG Saga by Aleron Kong

  • Added 7/13/2017.
  • DNF. Review.
I remember this being awful.

Gardens of the Moon by Steven Erikson

  • Added 7/13/2017.
  • DNF. Review.

Pandemic by A. G. Riddle

  • Added 7/13/2017.
  • DNF. Review.

The Authorities by Scott Meyer

  • Added 7/13/2017.
  • Finished. Review.

Besieged by Kevin Hearne

  • Added 7/13/2017. Urban Fantasy. The Iron Druid Chronicles #9.
  • Finished. Review.

Final Girls by Riley Sager

  • Added 7/13/2017.
  • Yet to be sampled.

The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet by Becky Chambers

  • Added 7/13/2017.
  • Yet to be sampled.

Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman

  • Added 7/13/2017.
  • Yet to be sampled.

Seveneves by Neal Stephenson

  • Added 9/30/2016. Science Fiction.
  • Finished. Review.

Fight and Flight by Scott Meyer

  • Added 5/19/2017. Magic 2.0 #4.
  • Finished.

An Unwelcome Quest by Scott Meyer

  • Added 5/17/2017. Magic 2.0 #3.
  • Finished.

Spell or High Water by Scott Meyer

  • Added 5/13/2017. Magic 2.0 #2.
  • Finished.

The Handmaid's Tale: Special Edition by Margaret Atwood

  • Added 5/10/2017.
  • Yet to be sampled.

Off to Be the Wizard by Scott Meyer

  • Added 5/10/2017. Magic 2.0 #1.
  • Finished. Review.

Into the Water by Paula Hawkins

  • Added 5/10/2017.
  • Yet to be sampled.

Assassin's Apprentice by Robin Hobb

  • Added 5/4/2017. Fantasy. The Farseer Trilogy #1.
  • Finished. Review.

Grimoire of the Lamb by Kevin Hearne

  • Added 5/4/2017. Urban Fantasy. The Iron Druid Chronicles.
  • Finished.

The Invisible Library by Genevieve Cogman

  • Added 5/4/2017.
  • Yet to be sampled.

Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman

  • Added 3/2/2017.
  • Yet to be sampled.

Leviathan Wakes by James S. A. Corey

  • Added 3/2/2017. Science Fiction. The Expanse.
  • Yet to be sampled.

Inferno by Dan Brown

  • Added 10/9/2016. Thriller. Robert Langdon #4.
  • Finished.

Into the Guns by William C. Dietz

  • Added 10/8/2016.
  • DNF.
Standard military fiction fare.

Not Alone by Craig A. Falconer

  • Added 10/8/2016.
  • DNF.
I think it was poorly written.

The Dark Between the Stars by Kevin J. Anderson

  • Added 10/8/2016.
  • Yet to be sampled.

Tier One by Brian Andrews, Jeffrey Wilson

  • Added 8/24/2016. Thriller.
  • DNF.

Legends by Anthology

  • Added 6/9/2016.
  • Yet to be sampled.

Legends II by Anthology

  • Added 6/9/2016.
  • Yet to be sampled.

Dawn of Wonder by Jonathan Renshaw

  • Added 6/8/2016.
  • Yet to be sampled.

End of Watch by Stephen King

  • Added 6/8/2016. Suspense. Bill Hodges Trilogy #3.
  • Finished. Review.

11-22-63 by Stephen King

  • Added 4/5/2016.
  • Finished. Review.

The Life We Bury by Allen Eskens

  • Added 4/5/2016.
  • Yet to be sampled.

Doctor Sleep by Stephen King

  • Added 4/4/2016.
  • Yet to be sampled.
I know I saw the movie, but I can’t remember if I ever subsequently listened to the audiobook.

Staked by Kevin Hearne

  • Added 2/3/2016. Urban Fantasy. The Iron Druid Chronicles #8.
  • Finished.

The Three-Body Problem by Cixin Liu

  • Added 2/3/2016.
  • Finished. Review.

Feed by Mira Grant

  • Added 2/3/2016.
  • Yet to be sampled.

Memory Man by David Baldacci

  • Added 12/15/2015. Thriller.
  • DNF. Review.

The Axe and the Throne by M. D. Ireman

  • Added 12/13/2015.
  • Yet to be sampled.

The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins

  • Added 12/13/2015.
  • Finished. Review.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J. K. Rowling

  • Added 12/13/2015.
  • Yet to be sampled.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J. K. Rowling

  • Added 12/13/2015.
  • Yet to be sampled.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J. K. Rowling

  • Added 12/13/2015.
  • Yet to be sampled.

Dangerous Women by George R. R. Martin, Anthology

  • Added 11/8/2015.
  • Yet to be sampled.

The Cold Dish by Craig Johnson

  • Added 11/8/2015.
  • DNF. Review.

Finders Keepers by Stephen King

  • Added 11/8/2015. Suspense. Bill Hodges Trilogy #2.
  • Finished.

Annihilation by Jeff VenderMeer

  • Added 6/9/2015.
  • Finished. Review.

The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison

  • Added 6/9/2015.
  • DNF. Review.

A Game of Thrones by George R. R. Martin

  • Added 4/3/2015. Fantasy. A Song of Ice and Fire.
  • Finished.

A Feast for Crows by George R. R. Martin

  • Added 4/3/2015. Fantasy. A Song of Ice and Fire #4.
  • Finished.

A Storm of Swords by George R. R. Martin

  • Added 4/3/2015. Fantasy. A Song of Ice and Fire #3.
  • Finished.

A Clash of Kings by George R. R. Martin

  • Added 4/3/2015. Fantasy. A Song of Ice and Fire #2.
  • Finished.

A Dance with Dragons by George R. R. Martin

  • Added 4/3/2015. Fantasy. A Song of Ice and Fire #5.
  • Finished.

Shadow of Night by Deborah Harkness

  • Added 9/21/2014. Urban Fantasy. #2.
  • DNF.

The Book of Life by Deborah Harkness

  • Added 9/21/2014. Urban Fantasy. #3.
  • Yet to be sampled.

Blood Song by Anthony Ryan

  • Added 8/5/2014. Fantasy. Raven's Shadow #1.
  • DNF. Review.

The Good Girl by Mary Kubica

  • Added 8/5/2014.
  • Yet to be sampled.
Surely I listened to this? No memory of it.

The Windup Girl by Paolo Bacigalupi

  • Added 8/5/2014.
  • DNF.
Don’t remember.

Outlander by Diana Gabaldon

  • Added 8/5/2014.
  • Yet to be sampled.

24: Deadline by James Swallow

  • Added 8/5/2014.
  • Yet to be sampled.

A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness

  • Added 8/5/2014. Urban Fantasy. #1.
  • Finished.

The Last Light of the Sun by Guy Gavriel Kay

  • Added 8/5/2014.
  • Yet to be sampled.

2312 by Kim Stanley Robinson

  • Added 8/5/2014.
  • Yet to be sampled.

Shattered by Kevin Hearne

  • Added 6/17/2014. Urban Fantasy. The Iron Druid Chronicles #7.
  • Finished.

Red Mars by Kim Stanley Robinson

  • Added 6/8/2014.
  • DNF.
I think I started this once.

Mr. Mercedes by Stephen King

  • Added 6/8/2014. Suspense. Bill Hodges Trilogy #1.
  • Finished. Review.

A Song for Arbonne by Guy Gavriel Kay

  • Added 6/8/2014.
  • DNF.

The Martian by Andy Weir

  • Added 6/5/2014.
  • Finished.

Changes by Jim Butcher

  • Added 4/14/2014. Urban Fantasy. The Dresden Files #12.
  • Finished.

Turn Coat by Jim Butcher

  • Added 4/1/2014. Urban Fantasy. The Dresden Files #11.
  • Finished.

Small Favor by Jim Butcher

  • Added 4/1/2014. Urban Fantasy. The Dresden Files #10.
  • Finished.

White Night by Jim Butcher

  • Added 4/1/2014. Urban Fantasy. The Dresden Files #9.
  • Finished.

Proven Guilty by Jim Butcher

  • Added 3/23/2014. Urban Fantasy. The Dresden Files #8.
  • Finished.

Dead Beat by Jim Butcher

  • Added 3/23/2014. Urban Fantasy. The Dresden Files #7.
  • Finished.

Blood Rites by Jim Butcher

  • Added 3/23/2014. Urban Fantasy. The Dresden Files #6.
  • Finished.

Grave Peril by Jim Butcher

  • Added 3/3/2014. Urban Fantasy. The Dresden Files #3.
  • Finished.

Death Masks by Jim Butcher

  • Added 3/3/2014. Urban Fantasy. The Dresden Files #5.
  • Finished.

Summer Knight by Jim Butcher

  • Added 3/3/2014. Urban Fantasy. The Dresden Files #4.
  • Finished.

Magic Bites by Ilona Andrews

  • Added 8/1/2013.
  • DNF.
Don’t remember.

Fool Moon by Jim Butcher

  • Added 8/1/2013. Urban Fantasy. The Dresden Files #2.
  • Finished.

American Gods by Neil Gaiman

  • Added 7/31/2013.
  • DNF.

The Curse of Chalion by Lois McMaster Bujold

  • Added 7/25/2013. Fantasy.
  • Finished. Review.

Sundiver by David Brin

  • Added 7/19/2013.
  • Yet to be sampled.
I think I started this but didn’t like it?

Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn

  • Added 7/19/2013.
  • Finished. Review.

Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card

  • Added 7/8/2013.
  • Finished. Review.

Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld

  • Added 7/4/2013.
  • DNF. Review.
I think I may have started this and wasn’t interested?

Redshirts by John Scalzi

  • Added 6/29/2013.
  • Finished. Review.

Inferno by Dan Brown

  • Added 6/29/2013.
  • Finished. Review.

Hunted by Kevin Hearne

  • Added 6/26/2013. Urban Fantasy. The Iron Druid Chronicles #6.
  • Finished. Review.

Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson

  • Added 4/9/2013.
  • Finished. Review.

The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien

  • Added 4/7/2013.
  • Yet to be sampled.

Ready Player One by Ernest Cline

  • Added 2/13/2013.
  • Finished. Review.

Reamde by Neal Stephenson

  • Added 2/13/2013.
  • Yet to be sampled.

The Red Knight by Miles Cameron

  • Added 2/2/2013.
  • Yet to be sampled.
Don’t remember.

Two Ravens and One Crow by Kevin Hearne

  • Added 1/18/2013. Urban Fantasy. The Iron Druid Chronicles.
  • Finished.

A Memory of Light by Robert Jordan, Brandon Sanderson

  • Added 1/8/2013. Fantasy. The Wheel of Time #14.
  • Finished.

Towers of Midnight by Robert Jordan, Brandon Sanderson

  • Added 12/26/2012. Fantasy. The Wheel of Time #13.
  • Finished. Review.

The Gathering Storm by Robert Jordan, Brandon Sanderson

  • Added 12/26/2012. Fantasy. The Wheel of Time #12.
  • Finished.

Knife of Dreams by Robert Jordan

  • Added 12/21/2012. Fantasy. The Wheel of Time #11.
  • Finished.

Crossroads of Twilight by Robert Jordan

  • Added 12/15/2012. Fantasy. The Wheel of Time #10.
  • Finished.

Trapped by Kevin Hearne

  • Added 11/28/2012. Urban Fantasy. The Iron Druid Chronicles #5.
  • Finished.

Foundation by Isaac Asimov

  • Added 11/27/2012.
  • Finished.

Legion by Brandon Sanderson

  • Added 11/26/2012.
  • Yet to be sampled.
Honestly don’t remember if I finished or not.

The Spirit Thief by Rachel Aaron

  • Added 11/25/2012.
  • DNF.

World War Z by Max Brooks

  • Added 11/9/2012.
  • Finished.

Moon Called by Patricia Briggs

  • Added 10/26/2012. Urban Fantasy. Mercy Thompson #1.
  • DNF.

Prince of Thorns by Mark Lawrence

  • Added 10/7/2012. Fantasy. The Broken Empire #1.
  • DNF.

Last Argument of Kings by Joe Abercrombie

  • Added 10/7/2012. Fantasy. The First Law #3.
  • Finished.

Before They Are Hanged by Joe Abercrombie

  • Added 10/7/2012. Fantasy. The First Law #2.
  • Finished.

Winter's Heart by Robert Jordan

  • Added 6/28/2012. Fantasy. The Wheel of Time #9.
  • Finished.

A Princess of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs

  • Added 6/10/2012.
  • Yet to be sampled.

The Chessmen of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs

  • Added 6/10/2012.
  • Yet to be sampled.

The Gods of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs

  • Added 6/10/2012.
  • Yet to be sampled.

Warlord of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs

  • Added 6/10/2012.
  • Yet to be sampled.

Thuvia, Maid of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs

  • Added 6/10/2012.
  • Yet to be sampled.

Lord of Chaos by Robert Jordan

  • Added 5/9/2012. Fantasy. The Wheel of Time #6.
  • Finished.

The Path of Daggers by Robert Jordan

  • Added 5/9/2012. Fantasy. The Wheel of Time #8.
  • Finished.

A Crown of Swords by Robert Jordan

  • Added 5/9/2012. Fantasy. The Wheel of Time #7.
  • Finished.

Tricked by Kevin Hearne

  • Added 4/28/2012. Urban Fantasy. The Iron Druid Chronicles #4.
  • Finished.

Urban Shaman by C. E. Murphy

  • Added 4/28/2012.
  • DNF.

Household Tales by Brothers Grimm by Jacob Grimm, Wilhelm Grimm

  • Added 4/25/2012.
  • Finished.

Grimm's Fairy Tales by Jacob Grimm, Wilhelm Grimm

  • Added 4/25/2012.
  • Finished.

Grimm's Fairy Stories by Jacob Grimm, Wilhelm Grimm

  • Added 4/25/2012.
  • Finished.

Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins

  • Added 4/16/2012. Hunger Games Trilogy #2.
  • Finished.

Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins

  • Added 4/14/2012. Hunger Games Trilogy #3.
  • Finished.

The Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follet

  • Added 4/9/2012.
  • DNF.

Blood of the Fold by Terry Goodkind

  • Added 4/7/2012. Fantasy. The Sword of Truth #3.
  • DNF.

The Blade Itself by Joe Abercrombie

  • Added 4/7/2012. Fantasy. The First Law #1.
  • Finished. Review.

A Cavern of Black Ice by J. V. Jones

  • Added 4/7/2012. Fantasy.
  • Finished. Review.

The Heir of Night by Helen Lowe

  • Added 3/31/2012. Fantasy. Wall of Night #1.
  • Yet to be sampled.

Stone of Tears by Terry Goodkind

  • Added 3/14/2012. Fantasy. The Sword of Truth #2.
  • Finished.

Partials by Dan Wells

  • Added 3/14/2012.
  • DNF.
Vaguely remember starting this but I wasn’t interested.

Awaken His Eyes by Jason Tesar

  • Added 3/11/2012.
  • Yet to be sampled.

The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss

  • Added 3/6/2012. Fantasy. Kingkiller Chronicle #1.
  • DNF.

The Fifth Sorceress by Robert Newcomb

  • Added 3/6/2012. Fantasy. Blood and Stone #1.
  • DNF. Review.

Kushiel's Dart by Jacqueline Carey

  • Added 3/6/2012. Fantasy. Kushiel's Legacy #1.
  • DNF. Review.

Wizard's First Rule by Terry Goodkind

  • Added 2/28/2012. Fantasy. The Sword of Truth #1.
  • Finished. Review.

The First Book of Swords by Fred Saberhagen

  • Added 2/24/2012. Fantasy. Saberhagen's Swords #1.
  • DNF. Review.

The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson

  • Added 2/12/2012. Fantasy. Stormlight Archive #1.
  • DNF. Review.

Monster Hunter International by Lorry Correia

  • Added 2/12/2012.
  • Yet to be sampled.

Storm Front by Jim Butcher

  • Added 2/12/2012. The Dresden Files.
  • Finished.

I Am Not a Serial Killer by Dan Wells

  • Added 2/12/2012. Horror.
  • Finished.

Servant of a Dark God by John Brown

  • Added 2/7/2012. Fantasy.
  • Finished. Review.

The Fires of Heaven by Robert Jordan

  • Added 2/7/2012. Fantasy. The Wheel of Time #5.
  • Finished. Review.

Mistborn: The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson

  • Added 1/28/2012. Fantasy.
  • Finished. Review.

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

  • Added 1/28/2012. Hunger Games Trilogy #1.
  • Finished. Review.

The Shadow Rising by Robert Jordan

  • Added 1/12/2012. Fantasy. The Wheel of Time #4.
  • Finished.

The Dragon Reborn by Robert Jordan

  • Added 12/24/2011. Fantasy. The Wheel of Time #3.
  • Finished.

Child of Fire by Harry Connolly

  • Added 11/27/2011. Urban Fantasy.
  • DNF.

Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson

  • Added 10/26/2011.
  • DNF.

Hexed by Kevin Hearne

  • Added 9/17/2011. Urban Fantasy. The Iron Druid Chronicles #2.
  • Finished.

Hammered by Kevin Hearne

  • Added 9/17/2011. Urban Fantasy. The Iron Druid Chronicles #3.
  • Finished.

Hounded by Kevin Hearne

  • Added 8/28/2011. Urban Fantasy. The Iron Druid Chronicles #1.
  • Finished.

Dune by Frank Herbert

  • Added 7/18/2011.
  • Finished.

The Mote in God's Eye by Larry Niven, Jerry Pournelle

  • Added 6/9/2011.
  • Yet to be sampled.
Have read the book, I think, as a younger lad.

Lucifer's Hammer by Larry Niven, Jerry Pournelle

  • Added 4/23/2011.
  • Yet to be sampled.
Have read and enjoyed the book as a younger lad.

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