Hi! I’m an old reclusive Gen-X software developer who writes twice a month about games or projects I’m working on or what’s happening in the world. Not AI-generated since 2012, despite what ZeroGPT says. Except the images. All the images are AI-generated now because it’s way too much of a hassle to find images for blog posts.
Nothing But Baldur's Gate 3 - August 2023
1,346 words.
There’s nothing else in the world for me right now except Baldur’s Gate 3. (No spoilers, though.) (1346 words.)
Monday Bits
242 words.
Surprising no one, it’s more about Baldur’s Gate 3. Three microblogging bits from Monday. #baldursgate3 #palia (242 words.)
Sunday Bits
155 words.
Just Baldur’s Gate 3. One microblogging bit from Sunday. #baldursgate3 (155 words.)
Saturday Bits
374 words.
Stray Gods and Baldur’s Gate 3. Four microblogging bits from Saturday. #nutrition #baldursgate3 #straygods (374 words.)
Friday Bits
195 words.
Installing Palia and video script debugging. Two microblogging bits from Friday. #palia #videos (195 words.)
Thursday Bits
326 words.
Baldur’s Gate 3, sleep loss, and Palia semantics. Four microblogging bits from Thursday. #baldursgate3 #videos (326 words.)
Wednesday Bit
137 words.
A Baldur’s Gate 3 progress page. One microblogging bit from Wednesday. #blog #baldursgate3 (137 words.)
Tuesday Bits
658 words.
Tales of Baldur’s Gate 3, Java versus Golang, phone news. Seven microblogging bits from Tuesday. #blog #development #baldursgate3 #pathfinderkingmaker (658 words.)
Monday Bits
249 words.
Video descriptions, fickle gamers, and a BG3 update. Three microblogging bits from Monday. #baldursgate3 #videos #gaming (249 words.)
Baldur's Gate 3 Impressions (No Spoilers)
958 words.
Early impressions of the buggy masterpiece Baldur’s Gate 3. (958 words.)
Sunday Bits: More Baldur's Gate 3
560 words.
My whole weekend was consumed by Baldur’s Gate 3. Six microblogging bits from Sunday. #videos #baldursgate3 #homeowner (560 words.)
Saturday Bits: Baldur's Gate 3 Edition
439 words.
First full day with Baldur’s Gate 3. Illusion of choice, and a Revivify tip. Four microblogging bits from Saturday. (439 words.)
Friday Bits
246 words.
Starting Baldur’s Gate 3. Three microblogging bits from Friday. #baldursgate3 (246 words.)
Thursday Bits
435 words.
New meals, and ChatGPT is the first computer thing I can’t explain. Seven microblogging bits from Thursday. #ai #blog #development #nutrition #pathfinderkingmaker #videos (435 words.)
State of the Site
1,550 words.
How my static blog works, summer 2023 edition, with nifty diagrams. (1550 words.)
Just so I know, this is a homepage template.