Hi! I’m an old reclusive Gen-X software developer who writes twice a month about games or projects I’m working on or what’s happening in the world. Not AI-generated since 2012, despite what ZeroGPT says. Except the images. All the images are AI-generated now because it’s way too much of a hassle to find images for blog posts.

Silent Hill 2 Progress | Dragon’s Dogma 2 Progress

Sunday Bits

411 words.

In a surprising twist, it’s Baldur’s Gate 3. Five microblogging bits from Sunday. #baldursgate3 (411 words.)

Saturday Bits

404 words.

A full day of Baldur’s Gate 3 instead of real life. Five microblogging bits from Saturday. #baldursgate3 (404 words.)

Friday Bits

373 words.

BG3, X, AI voices, headaches. A potpourri of topics. Five microblogging bits from Friday. #health #baldursgate3 #development #newsconsumer (373 words.)

Thursday Bits

488 words.

Lost a found scrolls in Baldur’s Gate 3. Five microblogging bits from Thursday. #baldursgate3 #development (488 words.)

Wednesday Bits

126 words.

Shockingly, it’s not Baldur’s Gate 3! Sorry, no, I’m being told it is. It always is. Three microblogging bits from Wednesday. #homeowner #baldursgate3 (126 words.)

Creator Appreciation 2023

964 words.

Some hastily-written thoughts about Creator Appreciation week for Blaugust. (964 words.)

Tuesday Bits

274 words.

Hey why not discuss Baldur’s Gate 3 again. Three microblogging bits from Tuesday. #blog #baldursgate3 (274 words.)

Monday Bits

242 words.

Surprising no one, it’s more about Baldur’s Gate 3. Three microblogging bits from Monday. #baldursgate3 #palia (242 words.)

Sunday Bits

155 words.

Just Baldur’s Gate 3. One microblogging bit from Sunday. #baldursgate3 (155 words.)

Saturday Bits

374 words.

Stray Gods and Baldur’s Gate 3. Four microblogging bits from Saturday. #nutrition #baldursgate3 #straygods (374 words.)

Friday Bits

195 words.

Installing Palia and video script debugging. Two microblogging bits from Friday. #palia #videos (195 words.)

Thursday Bits

326 words.

Baldur’s Gate 3, sleep loss, and Palia semantics. Four microblogging bits from Thursday. #baldursgate3 #videos (326 words.)

Wednesday Bit

137 words.

A Baldur’s Gate 3 progress page. One microblogging bit from Wednesday. #blog #baldursgate3 (137 words.)

Just so I know, this is a homepage template.