Three microblogging bits from ActivityPub. Pretty quiet week.

Microblogging Journal through 9/30/2024

112 words.

Microblogging Journal through 9/30/2024

Dispatches from

Tuesday 09/24

  • 18:06 # Every time I dig out my old, old song recording files from ages ago, I find myself wanting to remix and remaster those songs instead of working on new songs. Quite silly, really.

    • 18:09 # It would be a significant amount of work, too, because all of the MIDI tracks would have to rebuilt from scratch because I no longer have any of the old MIDI gear I used.

Sunday 09/29

  • 09:52 # I got stuck this morning in a rabbit hole of YouTube videos within the intense world of song producers analyzing other people’s live performances to look for lip syncing or pitch correcting.


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