Microblogging Journal through 9/10/2024
510 words.

Dispatches from @ultrviolet@gts.endgameviable.com
Monday 09/02
- 09:47 # Is it possible that Guy Mont’s Spelling Bee is the greatest comedy game show that has ever been made? It might just be. I hate to shill for stuff but people need to watch this thing so it can run for a hundred seasons.
- 13:27 # Note to future self: The push-to-mute hotkey doesn’t do jack all in OBS until you go to the audio settings and enable push-to-mute for that audio input. No, it doesn’t make any logical sense to me, either. But sometimes OBS is weird and anti-intuitive like that. At the very least they could put a note next to the hotkey setting that says “this won’t do anything until you enable push-to-mute in the settings.”
Wednesday 09/04
- 08:48 # Ugh. My neck is so sore after waking up this morning I doubt I’m going to be able to do a single thing with a computer today. Ugh. So annoying because I have a lot of ideas.
Thursday 09/05
08:27 # Some recent update to my Samsung Galaxy phone has completely prevented me from being able to play the news that I had setup with the Google Assistant. I used to be able to just hold down the home button and say “play the news” and boom, there it was. Now when I hold down the home button some crazy popup menu comes up that somehow thinks I want to highlight portions of the screen to get an AI to help me with what I’m seeing or some b.s. like that. There’s a little microphone that lets me talk but it just does a search. Seriously Google, stop letting children push major UI updates to the entire world.
15:15 # I put a wide open form on my blog this morning to do an experiment. Amount of time that passed before a spam bot comment was received: 6 hours.
15:22 # This Ember thing from Foundry VTT is the second thing I’ve seen this year attempting to tightly integrate a video game and tabletop role-playing game together into one thing through the use of a virtual tabletop. It’s starting to seem like an inevitability now.
Monday 09/09
09:18 # I can tell fall is approaching because the days are getting shorter, and also outdoor cat wants to hang out inside more often.
20:08 # I know everyone’s been waiting for this but I finally imported all those WordPress comments from Endgame Viable blog years 2013-2020 and they’re now rendered as part of the site build. But no, I still haven’t imported and fixed all the old images yet.
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