Eight microblogging bits from ActivityPub. #movies #blog

Microblogging Journal through 11/6/2023

308 words.

Microblogging Journal through 11/6/2023

Dispatches from @ultrviolet@gts.endgameviable.com:

Monday 10/30

08:57 # I’ve updated my blog posts <https://endgameviable.com/gaming/2023/08/dror- ragzlin-baldurs-gate-3/> and <https://endgameviable.com/gaming/2023/08/death- shepherds-baldurs-gate-3/> with links to the actual videos of the events in question. Hard to believe all of that happened way back in August, which somehow seems like a different era. #blog

11:41 # So I got an email from Twitter saying someone had tried to log into one of my side accounts, so I logged in to change the password and probably deactivate it because I haven’t used it in 2 years, but apparently the account was suspended and they make it virtually impossible to do anything with a suspended account until you go through a recovery process. Neato.

11:45 # Although on reflection, I suppose that leaving an account suspended is essentially the same thing as deactivating it.

Thursday 11/02

09:31 # Alfred Hitchcock’s trailer for The Birds is almost as entertaining as the movie itself. #movies

Friday 11/03

12:30 # I think I’ve completed watching movies and I will probably not want to watch another movie of any kind for at least five years.

Saturday 11/04

12:03 # Arg. I started experimenting with a Next.js app, and I tried deploying it to AWS Amplify and immediately found out that AWS Amplify doesn’t natively support Node.js 18, which is required by Next.js App Router apps. This has led to a lot of Googling and trying different build images, and none of it works. Arg.

12:06 # Developing an application using anything that touches Node.js is like trying to draw a picture using a swarm of bees.

16:04 # I have finally completed a deployment of the appropriate version of a Next.js app on AWS Amplify by connecting to a github repo instead of a CodeCommit repo. (The custom node18 build images don’t have any aws commands to pull from CodeCommit apparently.)


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