The Fly (1958, Kurt Neumann)

100 words.

πŸ† πŸ©ΈπŸ‘©πŸͺ°πŸ•΅οΈπŸ”¬πŸˆπŸΎπŸΉπŸͺ°πŸ•ΈοΈπŸ™‚ Vincent Price in a supporting role (I believe this movie essentially launched his career). Odd structure to the movie, starting with a murder and working backwards. Interesting subtext about the speed of scientific discovery and whether it’s too fast. Luckily they didn’t know about the Internet back then. The laboratory set looked like it must have blown the entire special effects budget of the time. Anyway, it’s actually a decent movie. Surprisingly good performance from Patricia Owens. I daresay she carried the whole movie. (Incidentally I’ve never seen the entire Jeff Goldblum version because it’s gross.) (Max.)

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