Microblogging Journal through 1/13/2025
714 words.

Dispatches from @ultrviolet@gts.endgameviable.com
Just for the record, when I accidentally put last year’s date into the query, I learned that I wrote about 532 of these microblogs in 2024.
Monday 01/06
09:46 # The 2025 snow report so far: It was exactly 32 most of the night so I got an inch or two of wet slush, and now it is raining on top of it so a lot of it is dissolving. However it’s supposed to be below freezing tonight so whatever’s left will freeze overnight. Gross.
10:07 # I have just gone out and cleared the slush off the back steps and the car to minimize the amount of ice to deal with tomorrow.
22:26 # By the way after I went to all that trouble to clean the slush off the car this morning, and got it all clean and pristine, it went and snowed again tonight and now the car’s covered with snow again. It’s below freezing so hopefully it will remain powdery until morning.
22:20 # I kept hearing about The Substance so I rented it tonight. OMG. I’m not a David Cronenberg horror fan and this is like Cronenberg times a thousand. You can’t even look away and listen because the sound design is packed with the grossest triggering sounds imaginable. Great story but yeesh.
Wednesday 01/08
- 20:49 # My new smart watch has arrived. Since I have not worn a watch in, oh, 35 years, it took an embarrassingly long time to remember how to attach a watch to my wrist. Also, surprising nobody, the screen is really small. But I successfully changed the watch face so I consider that a win for the first day.
Friday 01/10
22:35 # Watched a Netflix movie called The Stowaway. On the one hand, from a science and just plain common sense angle, it seemed like it was written by a second grader and I, who is not a trained astronaut, kept thinking of fifty different things they might try while the supposedly professional astronaut characters were all stumped. “Oh this one important thing is broken, I guess that’s it then, too bad nobody planned for this.” On the other hand, I thought it was a pretty good character drama with some pretty good acting.
22:42 # Incidentally the best thing about the new smart watch so far is the discovery that I actually take a far less pathetic number of steps in my day than I thought I did, without even leaving the house. Imagine if I went outside occasionally!
Saturday 01/11
16:00 # Watching NFL quarterbacks warming up is so funny. They have somebody else catch the ball for them and hand it to them now. Like they might hurt their hands if they catch a ball themselves. (I’m sure there’s a less prima donna reason for it, but it sure looks hilarious.)
19:09 # Ha I just looked at the Nickelodeon broadcast of this NFL playoff game. What a strange world we live in.
Sunday 01/12
10:30 # Well the weather appears to be the same for the next week (anywhere from below freezing to way below freezing, so the snow will stay right where it is) so I might as well begin the ordeal of de-icing the car and going to the store today. I feel like this is another thing that “kids today” don’t understand because with all the newer cars and SUVs it seems like you just kind of press a button while you’re still inside the house and the car starts itself and warms itself up. Seems like rich elite 1% behavior to me. Can’t wait to get one.
22:48 # Random power outages after dark when I don’t have any light sources within reach should not be allowed.
[Fyi that was a reference to Washington’s field goal attempt to win their wildcard game on the final play of regulation bouncing off one of the uprights but still going through, giving them their first playoff win since I think 2005. I have little hope of them winning another one, as their next game is against the #1 seed Detroit, who looks unstoppable, while Washington still doesn’t quite look like a Superbowl team despite astonishing improvement this year.]
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