Microblogging Journal through 1/6/2025
1,332 words.

Dispatches from @ultrviolet@gts.endgameviable.com
Forgot to run the script last week. I really need to find a way to automate this process.
Tuesday 12/24
08:33 # Whoa. TIL there are 17 games in the NFL season now. When did THAT happen?
10:16 # Had another weird incident last night where the skin of my hands and feet started itching for no apparent reason. I think this is the third such incident I’ve had since 2018. The first one in 2018 was so bad that my entire body started itching and I went to the emergency room. The second one was extremely minor and I think happened last year. Last night’s was worse than the second one, but nowhere near as bad as the first. I think it’s related to what I’m eating.. yesterday I had excessive junk food i.e. a lot of salt. My current remedy is to take a benadryl and wait it out for a couple hours.
10:21 # Note that I don’t know if the 2018 incident is in any way related to the most recent incidents. In 2018 it happened about an hour after I ate some fast food and I broke out in rashes all over my body, so it seemed like a pretty clear allergic reaction to something that is still unknown at this time. I didn’t have any rashes last night but my hands were pretty red.
10:21 # P.S. I have not eaten any fast food since that time in 2018 heh.
11:42 # I stumbled on some Twitch streams of people who are relatively new to MMOs playing classic WoW and it’s the weirdest thing to see. They haven’t been crushed under the weight of the endgame grind, they only play like once every couple weeks, they’re just running around going “oh neat look at that!” “oh neat you can make macros!” “oh neat look at this dance!” Running up and talking to strangers. So weird. I haven’t felt like that about an MMO since … I can’t even remember. Surely not since the 1997-1999 range.
19:10 # I’m going to start uploading “miscellaneous” games that I’ve recorded in the past year. These are games that I try but don’t end up playing, or games that I only play for a few hours before losing interest. Continuing my abuse of YouTube as a video backup service.
Wednesday 12/25
12:29 # What is this bizarre dystopian world where NFL football is on Netflix on Christmas day.
12:42 # I’m kind of interested in trying Terra Invicta but I’m 100% sure it’ll be too overwhelming of a UI.
Saturday 12/28
15:51 # Reminder that the Steam wishlist is for maintaining a list of games you will never ever buy no matter how cheap they are discounted, and/or a list of games you will never, ever play if you do happen to buy them. Right? That’s everyone, right?
18:42 # I’m breaking tradition and getting Tales of Arise and Cyberpunk 2077 from my wishlist on sale. I fully expect to play for exactly one hour each and then never touch them again. Which, to be fair, is way more than I play the other 50,000 games released every month.
09:55 # To follow up, I did actually play Cyberpunk 2077 for more than an hour. Although I’m still not that much into cyberpunk so the whole vibe doesn’t really click with me (I’m a reclusive old fuddy duddy so a neon city where everyone is tattooed and roided and pierced is not a place I want to live in). Tales of Arise started out kind of cool but … I haven’t played it a second time yet.
10:07 # Also I’m super not into either the male or female voice for the player in Cyberpunk so it’s hard to take any of it seriously. Once again I wish game devs would give me an option to turn off the player voice and let me read it myself. These are all the same things I noticed when I first got it and returned it in 2021, so I have no idea why I thought I’d have a different opinion of it on the second try.
10:42 # Oh cool I found a mod that will mute V’s voice and another mod that will switch V’s language, either of which might be perfect.
10:56 # Changing V’s voice would allow me to, you know, role-play in this role- playing game where you’re otherwise railroaded into exactly one kind of personality. I don’t know when or why game devs decided to remove the role- playing from role-playing games. (Well, I do know… it’s easier for them.) Hopefully BG3’s popularity will make silent protagonists fashionable again.
Monday 12/30
- 10:45 # On another note, I stumbled on youtube’s AI “inspirations” tab… it would be super cool if it would actually make the videos it’s suggesting, but as it is, it seems kind of lame.
Wednesday 01/01
- 11:55 # ChatGPT said I need to do more shorts if I want to gain more youtube subscribers so I was looking for some software that I could easily drop videos into and turn them vertical and do those goofy stickers and subtitles you always see in them, but so far not much luck. Surely people aren’t doing that stuff manually in something like Resolve.
Friday 01/03
15:26 # DALL-E is utterly useless for making stream overlays, in case anyone is wondering. “I can’t make PNGs with transparent backgrounds,” it says. How is this not the most useful thing that it can do?? Surely there is not a powerful lobby of streaming overlay creators pushing OpenAI not to disrupt the lucrative streaming overlay industry.
18:47 # I’m starting off 2025 with a radical purchase… I ordered a smart watch for the first time. I did this for exactly one reason: My phone is almost never within reach and it’s annoying as hell to have to keep finding it to do 2fa. I don’t know if you can do 2fa with a smart watch but I hope so. A secondary reason is that because I never use my phone, I never see any notifications of messages or emails or communications of any kind. Hopefully I can send them to a watch. I actually don’t know what you can do with a smart watch so this might be wasted money. The thing I don’t need is a time piece or a fashion accessory, hence I haven’t worn a watch since the 80s and I’ve never looked at smart watches before.
Sunday 01/05
09:43 # The first OMG MAYBE SNOW YOU’RE ALL GOING TO DIE alert of the winter is today. Naturally I need to go to the store, so I’m going to try to go early to get ahead of the mobs, but it’s way too cold for my car to even start. I’m so good at planning ahead. (P.S. I have an iClever battery so I can start the car even with a weak battery in freezing cold. I recommend everyone get one for their cars and phones, especially if you live alone like I do.) For perspective, the maximum forecasted snow for my area is about 4 inches over the next couple of days.
21:16 # Watching a lot of football today. So, a sitcom idea: A workplace comedy about the folks scurrying around trying to give water to all the players between every play.
21:22 # By the way it has started to snow here. Just a dusting so far.
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