Microblogging Journal through 12/9/2024
718 words.

Dispatches from @ultrviolet@gts.endgameviable.com
Monday 12/02
- 20:48 # I don’t know what the general consensus is but I’m going to take the controversial stand that I don’t like waiting five minutes for every game lately to compile shaders every time I start it up on PC.
Tuesday 12/03
12:07 # Skimming over the 500+ page PDF of the U.S. congressional report on COVID-19 on my vacation, like any normal person would do.
17:15 # One thing I find somewhat annoying about ChatGPT Search is that the answers are so stinkin’ verbose that you can’t quote them in a blog post.
Wednesday 12/04
18:50 # I’ve been trying to use my week off to work on decluttering my house. Yeesh. Somehow the contents of my house has become roughly 75% packing material and cardboard boxes. Somehow I’ve reached an advance stage of life without knowing a single thing about how to organize a living space or a working space.
23:28 # Neato. I’ve written some initial scripts to use the openai API to transcribe the audio from my game videos, and then summarize that into a short video description.
23:33 # This is the first one generated: “In this gameplay session of Dragon Age: Inquisition, the player embarks on their sixth attempt to engage with the game, facing initial challenges with controller compatibility which leads them to switch to mouse and keyboard controls. After adjusting the controls and audio settings, they dive into character creation, exploring various races and classes in Thedas. The player decides on a female dwarf dual-wielding rogue named Malika, who is portrayed as a spy from a criminal background. \n\nUpon starting the game, frustration sets in as the player grapples with the user interface, admitting that it feels outdated and cumbersome. They express their dissatisfaction with the controls, struggling to execute basic actions and navigate through the opening sequences of the game. Despite their determination, they quickly encounter obstacles in gameplay mechanics and feel a sense of déjà vu as they recall their previous attempts to progress. They highlight the confusion with the tactical camera and a lack of guidance on how to proceed, ultimately feeling disheartened by the realization that they may not get very far once again. The session captures the blend of nostalgia and frustration that can come with revisiting a complex RPG.”
23:41 # Here’s a better one after tweaking the prompt a bit (this is Dragon’s Dogma 2): “I returned to Verneworth in hopes of attending a masquerade ball, but it turns out there is none tonight. Instead, I checked my quests and decided to tackle a few. I learned about a sculptor’s missing masterpiece and the need to speak with the sculptor in Batal. I also pursued a shadowy figure who had been tailing me, discovering that it was connected to a quest involving Captain Brant. After some exploration and research, I confronted the individual and reported back to Captain Brant with new discoveries, including a Batali- crested letter I found. Despite accomplishing two quests, my night concluded abruptly with limited rewards. I now face the challenge of gathering more grimoires and possibly returning to Melv soon.”
15:23 # This is the greatest thing ever. Writing video descriptions is such soul-crushing drudgery that takes forever and now it’s completely automatic and finished in seconds.
Saturday 12/07
09:31 # Hrm I wanted to continue my quest to declutter the living room this morning but the outdoor cat came back in from the cold and is sleeping in the living room and if I turn on the vacuum cleaner it’ll terrify and panic him. (He’s still kind of skittish indoors.)
16:00 # I’ve completed my transformation into strange cat person by setting up a small outdoor feral cat home on the back porch for the outdoor cat. This should keep him from freezing to death on cold nights (not that there was much chance of that anyway… it doesn’t get THAT cold here, and there’s plenty of shelter for him to find, and honestly he’s never shown much concern about cold weather anyway).
P.S. The cat has thusfar shown no interest whatsoever in the cat home.
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