Six microblogging bits from ActivityPub.

Microblogging Journal through 9/23/2024

261 words.

Microblogging Journal through 9/23/2024

Dispatches from

Tuesday 09/17

  • 11:20 # Mini review of David Gilmour’s new album Luck and Strange: Gorgeous and mature and inspiring. Hits pretty hard when you think it might be his last. It’s a perfect coda to a legendary and influential musical career. Was very sad when it ended.

  • 13:52 # The U.S. Have I Got News For You is weird so far.

Wednesday 09/18

  • 13:46 # During The Great NAS Crash of 2023, I lost a lot of backup audio files and projects that had previously been copied from various CDROM backups and such to the NAS. I’m currently working on copying them again to the new NAS, presumably so I can lose them again some time in the future.

Friday 09/20

  • 21:43 # The second AI-generated casserole, Chicken and Rice, turned out okay, except I had to cook it about twice as long as ChatGPT said in order to actually cook the rice.

Saturday 09/21

  • 20:55 # Copying some music data off of an old IDE 150gb hard drive and thinking “man 150gb is basically nothing” and then remembering I used to think 300mb Amiga hard drives were huge and then remembering my first hard drive was actually a 20mb hard drive kit I had to make myself.

    • 20:59 # All of which makes me hate myself because there’s nothing more annoying than people who go around saying things like “you think THAT’S a small hard drive, well I used to have a computer with 16 kb of memory and a cassette tape for storage!” Which I did.


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