Microblogging Journal through 8/12/2024
890 words.

Dispatches from @ultrviolet@gts.endgameviable.com
Monday 08/05
14:50 # Yeesh. I can’t make heads or tails of what I did with my Next.js blog project back in December, or where I left off, or what’s working and what isn’t. I put so much into AWS CloudFormation templates that I can’t remember how it’s all wired together. I need to sit down and watch all of the devlogs I recorded.
17:15 # Been doing a little css tweaking today on the blog. Added a dark mode (which only works if you have your system set to dark mode), and tweaked the fonts on the mobile layout.
18:14 # Yay I got the Next.js alternate blog build working again. Had to update some repo names that were wrong, and reconnect AWS CodeCommit to github.
19:49 # I’m trying to add a summary element to my rss items. Summary is for Atom feeds, not RSS feeds. But I see a lot of supposed RSS readers that keep referencing the summary element, so I’m seeing what happens if I add one. (Theoretically nothing, because an RSS reader should ignore a summary element, and an Atom reader would not recognize RSS as valid Atom.)
21:41 # Oh. And now I’m removing the summary element because I remembered why I didn’t like including it. InoReader only displays the summary, not the description. Oh well.
Tuesday 08/06
15:13 # I swear every time I want to go out and mow I immediately start to hear the neighbor mowing and then I can’t go out and mow. Also, they mow like six times a week.
19:22 # Arg I upgraded Hugo to the latest version and it broke my local blog build. The down side of using rapidly-developed wild west open source software strikes again.
19:24 # Reviewing the source code (because that’s what you do when open source software breaks), it seems there was a change to the _internal/opengraph.html template, which doesn’t work anymore, and now reports an error message that is entirely useless in trying to identify what I need to fix in my content, or where amongst the 1500+ content files. Neato.
19:45 # The problem was that my “podcast” content files used an audio front matter property, but I had it as a single string instead of the array that Hugo assumed. Crashed the new opengraph.html which now apparently includes audio links. Didn’t realize “audio” was actually supported by Hugo along with “images.”
19:45 # Now I have to update my rss template to handle an array instead of one string for the audio front matter.
20:46 # Completed making updates to the blog in order to run the latest version of Hugo. What a pain. But my own fault I suppose.
Wednesday 08/07
10:09 # Programming note… not about computer programming, but about video schedule programming… Last night I began uploading Elden Ring DLC videos. But this video is also notable because it’s the only video for which I’ve painstakingly edited subtitles for hours on end. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBFmhpPGGbw
11:09 # I added a Videos page to the blog as an index into the handful of “video progress” pages I’ve been doing.
Thursday 08/08
10:18 # It’s a miserable drizzly cloudy day pre-Debby. Fighting the urge to just go back to bed.
22:33 # Hey I finally watched Avengers Endgame. I did see Infinity War one time but I really had no idea what was going on in this thing for like 90% of the movie, but I don’t think it really matters. The important things to know are that funny quips are funny and when you hear that Avengers diddledeedee in the score, the good guys are winning.
Friday 08/09
09:09 # There were periods of heavy rain yesterday evening and overnight, and even a tornado warning that I slept through, but I think the bulk of the Debby- related weather is past me now.
18:24 # I worked out how to put a little “this is AI generated” watermark in the corner of DALL-E images with some CSS. Ironically I asked ChatGPT how to write the appropriate CSS.
Sunday 08/11
11:33 # Well for some reason yesterday I couldn’t deploy the blog so I’m doing two posts today. Ah well. I have failed in my sacred duty of providing something new in the RSS feed every day in August.
14:36 # In the realm of Elden Ring DLC, for the last boss, I’ve reached the desperation phase of looking up the location of every last Scadutree Fragment and Revered Spirit Ash on a wiki to get my Blessings up to 20 and 10, in the vanishing hope that an extra couple of points of damage might help me get through this last monstrosity. However, my last attempts yesterday were at 19 and 9, and it was not discernably easier than 16 and 9.
21:45 # Welp I guess my vacation week is coming to an end. Boo.
P.S. I wasn’t planning to count these as Blaugust posts this year, but since I’m no longer on vacation, and there’s so much of August still left to write for, it seems like a much better idea to do so. In fact I might recycle the daily microblog posts like I did last year to fill in some gaps.
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