Reading Old Writing S1 E1 - 2029 AG 7 (1) [+audio]
154 words.

To kick off this experiment, we’ll start with a bit of writing from NaNoWriMo 2009. It’s an unfinished near-future science fiction with the easy-to-remember title 2029 AG 7.
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This was the first NaNoWriMo I attempted, and I did not do particularly well with it.
I haven’t read this in forever, and I have little or no memory of writing it, what it was about, or what I might have been inspired by. In fact, when I glanced over the first few of chapters, it wasn’t anything like what I thought it was about. A different person might as well have written it.
After re-reading the first three chapters, I was left more puzzled than ever.
Until next time, goodbye and remain indoors!
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