A reading from a 2009 NaNoWriMo near-future science fiction draft.

Reading Old Writing S1 E1 - 2029 AG 7 (1) [+audio]

154 words.

Reading Old Writing S1 E1 - 2029 AG 7 (1)

To kick off this experiment, we’ll start with a bit of writing from NaNoWriMo 2009. It’s an unfinished near-future science fiction with the easy-to-remember title 2029 AG 7.

Click the play button that should be somewhere in the vicinity of this text, or add this feed to your favorite podcast app.

This was the first NaNoWriMo I attempted, and I did not do particularly well with it.

I haven’t read this in forever, and I have little or no memory of writing it, what it was about, or what I might have been inspired by. In fact, when I glanced over the first few of chapters, it wasn’t anything like what I thought it was about. A different person might as well have written it.

After re-reading the first three chapters, I was left more puzzled than ever.

Until next time, goodbye and remain indoors!


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