
2 entries. 332 words.


  • That or Which: The Bane of My Existence. 2012-10-10. Is it: She thought it must be stuck, a problem that was not uncommon in her own Orderhouse. Or: She thought it must be stuck, a problem which was not uncommon in her own Orderhouse. Grammar Girl is not helping me. I think it is “that” instead of “which.” UPDATE: Looking at this post on 7/25/2013, I now think it should be “which” instead of “that.”
    • Writing
    66 words


  • He Had His Liberty. 2013-08-03. What does “he had his liberty” mean? Say, in the early 17th century? I came across it reading Edward Wingfield’s account of his removal from the first Council in Jamestown in 1607, in the book The Jamestown Adventure. (Edward Wingfield could be considered the first elected governor of Virginia. Or the first elected president of North America. Or something along those lines.) “… Mister Kendall, taken from thence, had his liberty, but might not carry arms.
    • Writing
    266 words