Snap Judgment – MapleStory 2
588 words.

MapleStory 2 is one of those MMOs that I never would have looked at twice, except that there’s nothing else to look at right now. See previous post lamenting the pitiable dearth of MMORPGs.
The last Nexon game I played was Riders of Icarus, which I did not think much of. I even downloaded and tried it again yesterday, and I still didn’t like it. It sounds like a cool idea to have a game built around collecting mounts and such, but none of that seems to exist at the beginning of the game, which is a huge disappointment. The UI and all the “advertisements” plastered all over the screen are very off-putting as well.
So it came down to a desperation hail-mary of trying MapleStory 2. But first, I had a lot of difficulty figuring out how to even acquire the game. Early in the day, the Nexon launcher only gave me a button to “join the head start.” The web site only provided me with unhelpful links to buy Founder’s Packs. As far as I could tell, there was nothing to indicate how a normal person would acquire the game once it launched. Was it free-to-play? Was it buy-to-play? Was there a subscription? I found nothing to tell me. I can only assume that was an intentional sales gimmick to “trick” me into buying something when I didn’t need to.
Later in the day I opened up the launcher again (after I had re-tried Riders of Icarus) and beheld that the “join the head start” button had magically changed into a “play” button. It was free-to-play!
To make a long story short, it appears to be a game for children. I don’t ever remember acting like a child even when I was a child, so to find that mindset of frivolity to enjoy this game is completely beyond me. But I allowed that perhaps there could be some deeply meaningful story or complex, thought-provoking game mechanics hiding under the My Little Pony aesthetic somewhere.

Sadly, there isn’t. At least not in the first 40 minutes of gameplay, which is all I could stand. It’s an isometric camera game so I have to automatically deduct 500 points from the game’s final score. It’s also a platformer style of game, so that means deducting another 500 points from the score.
Maybe the initial story made sense to people coming from MapleStory 1 but to me it sounded like gibberish. “And the evil was vanquished by brave heroes! But it came back. Apparently. For some reason. It just does that, you know.” (At one point I have to admit I giggled at the thought of the quest dialog being performed as a Monty Python sketch with the pepperpots shrieking in falsetto-that’s how much like nonsense it sounded to me.) (Since I have just watched every episode of Monty Python’s Flying Circus on Netflix, my entire world is now seen through that prism.)
I experienced maybe 45 seconds of combat, but it was of the press-keys-and-things-magically-die-without-any-thought variety, so nothing to tickle the old intellect there.
I left the game before finishing what I presumed to be the tutorial zones. No matter how desperate I am for a new MMORPG, there’s just no way I can fit MapleStory 2 into that void. It’s not a game for me.
Archived Comments
Joseph Skyrim 2018-10-11T22:07:44Z Hmm, have you tried Mabinogi? Another one that seems for kids, but there’s a lot going on mechanics wise and getting stuff under the radar. :P
Summer 2018-10-30T16:37:25Z
“It appears to be a game for children. I don’t ever remember acting like a child even when I was a child, so to find that mindset of frivolity to enjoy this game is completely beyond me.”"
Yeah, okay dude. Your games are all serious and you play them seriously. Sounds like a lot of fun. Maybe you ought to try frivolity for a day or two.
The game is fine for adults. Maybe you grew up having to defend that you were gaming or something, I don’t know, but you have a strange mindset there. Games are supposed to be for fun and frivolity.
I get that you’re all “Hey I’m playing Army Man here, this is very serious.” - but that is very much still playing a game and your attitude is more child like and narrow than you are seeing.
We all enjoy different kinds of games, and there are games skewed more towards a younger audience - but there are plenty of adults that play games like this too and that’s okay. Your own games are just as frivilous in the end, aren’t they? Or are the games you play somehow doing something noteworthy and productive with your time?
UltrViolet 2018-10-30T18:24:48Z I feel like there might be just a tad bit of projection going on here.
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