Inauguration Day 2025
297 words.

We should normalize talking about politics again. Preferably in a normal, non-shouty way, outside of managed platforms with algorithms.
I just wanted to note the reality that today is Inauguration Day, the new/old president is a convicted felon with a laundry list of grievances, his cabinet will be … let’s just say unorthodox, and the predicted stack of day one executive orders ranges from frightening to laughable.
And 49% 49.8% of the electorate loves all of that and fully expects the incoming president to wave a magic wand and fix egg prices. What a strange world.
Somehow in the span of about 15 years all of that went from unthinkable to normal. All the laws and rules and norms are pretty much out the window at this point. It’s the end of the 20th century post-war America, and a new dawn which historians will no doubt describe as Anything For The Lulz and the Dollah Billz Yall.
I didn’t watch any of the live inauguration coverage, because watching politicians give speeches is incredibly boring and horrible television, especially the ones who are bad at reading speeches, such as the current one. I don’t think I’ve watched any presidential inaugurations, except in the form of clips on the news.
I’m too old and settled to get excited about political activism, so you younger folks will have to handle all of this mess. Good luck.
I’ll just be over here shaking my head at how easy it is to confuse so many American voters with information overload. I can’t help but wonder again if the commercial Internet and the instantaneous worldwide communication it enabled may have been the worst thing that’s ever happened for the progress of human society, given how uncritical and unreceptive the average human brain is.
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