Horror Movies To Watch

9 words.

A list of horror movies I’ve marked to watch.


👀 Color Out Of Space. 2019, Richard Stanley. 👀

👀 1922. 2017. 👀🤷 Stephen King. I might have already seen this. In fact I’m almost positive I have, but man it didn’t make any impression because I have no memory of it whatsoever.

👀 Mercy. 2014. 👀 Stephen King

👀 The Bay. 2012, Barry Levinson. 👀

👀 Dolan's Cadillac. 2009. 👀 Stephen King

👀 Silent Hill. 2006. 👀

👀 Riding the Bullet. 2004. 👀 Stephen King

👀 The Devil's Backbone. 2001, Guillermo del Toro. 👀

👀 Sleepy Hollow. 1999. 👀

👀 Thinner. 1996. 👀🤷 Stephen King. Genuinely unsure if I’ve seen this. Surely I have?

👀 Body Snatchers. 1993. 👀 Hrm if this is the one with Donald Sutherland I think I’ve seen it. Oh wait I’m thinking of The Puppet Masters (1994), nevermind.

👀 Trauma. 1993. 👀

👀 Candyman. 1992, Bernard Rose. 👀🤷 I think I may have seen this?

👀 The Changeling. 1980, Peter Medak. 👀

👀 The Car. 1977. 👀 I think it was this movie that scared me to death as a kid when I saw parts of it on television.

👀 Damnation Alley. 1977. 👀 Not really horror I don’t think, but another movie that scared me as a kid when I heard about it and/or saw parts of it on television. Don’t think I’ve ever seen the entire thing.

👀 The Omen. 1976. 👀