The Blair Witch Project (1999, Daniel Myrick, Eduardo Sánchez)

128 words.

🏆 🎥🌲🥾⛺️🥱⏩⏩🥱 Brian the Dog said, “Nothing’s happening, nothing’s happening… something about a map.” I gave up after 41 minutes. Little plot and the characters were annoying to be around. The next day I felt bad for abandoning it in the middle (after all, supposedly it’s included in 1,001 movies to watch before you die), so I watched the rest, and I wish I hadn’t. I can see what they were trying to do, but it didn’t work for me. The amount of plot and character development in this could have been shown in 10 minutes. The rest of the time it’s just squinting at a grainy picture trying to see anything that might be scary while trying not to get physically ill from motion sickness. (Paramount+.)

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