A Bay of Blood (1971, Mario Bava)

88 words.

🌊👩‍🦽🦑💃🔪🧐 Another cheap Italian Mario Bava movie from the film era before sound design mattered, so everything sounds like a badly dubbed, warbly cassette tape. One of the so-called giallo genre flicks, a new term to me. Allegedly one of the best ones. I can see the origins of the 80s teen slasher in it, but unfortunately for me, I don’t really like teen slashers, no matter how much teens generally deserve slashing. As with Black Sunday above, it’s mainly an interesting historical artifact. (Amazon Prime.) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Bay_of_Blood http://www.containsmoderateperil.com/blog/2023/10/3/a-bay-of-blood-1971

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