Five microblogging bits from ActivityPub.

Microblogging Journal through 12/2/2024

310 words.

Microblogging Journal through 12/2/2024

Dispatches from

Monday 11/25

  • 22:39 # Now into season 2 of old school Night Court. It’s weird watching sitcoms from the 1980s. They’re funny and all, but they also have dramatic stories and someone usually learns a lesson about how to be a better person in the end. You don’t see that anymore unless somebody’s doing a parody of it. Also it’s very obvious they had a vastly bigger budget for the 1980s Night Court, which regularly has a hundred extras per episode, as compared with the new Night Court revival, where you only see the main 6 people and you can tell when they turn away from the mics and miss somebody’s dialog but don’t bother redoing it.

Wednesday 11/27

  • 09:06 # Re-watching these Night Courts I realized that one of the catchphrases from that show has been in my linguistic parlance for the last 40 years without me knowing it… that thing where Bull says “ooooookay.” It’s another one of those catchphrases that permeates popular culture like Chandler’s “can it BE more….” or Community’s “cool cool cool.”

Thursday 11/28

  • 08:53 # It’s probably just as well that my grocery store is fully closed today. I was going to sneak out and get some gravy and snacks this morning to maximize the detrimental qualities of the food I ate today, but now I can’t.

    • 09:04 # However I did have the foresight to pre-buy a frozen pumpkin pie earlier in the week, so at least I have that on standby.

Sunday 12/01

  • 09:14 # I finally figured out the game that STALKER 2 is most like. First I thought it was like Half-Life 2. Then I thought it was like the Far Cry games. Finally, at long last, I realized it’s most like Fallout 4. Kind of a budget, off-brand Fallout 4, but still. Same sort of thing.


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