Microblogging Journal through 11/25/2024
475 words.

Dispatches from @ultrviolet@gts.endgameviable.com
Hey look, after three weeks I finally remembered to run the script to make this digest. Luckily I haven’t been micro-posting that much.
Monday 11/04
- 09:03 # Hooray I finally got my real-name domain name pointing to a static landing page. It’s been languishing on an obsolete, abandoned wordpress installation on an obsolete, abandoned shared host for way too long.
Thursday 11/07
- 18:21 # I just want to remind everyone that the NieR: Automata soundtrack is one of the best musical works ever created.
Monday 11/11
- 16:42 # I really like how GMail makes it so you can’t report an email as spam until after you’ve clicked on the email to read it
Thursday 11/14
- 09:56 # I’m a modestly competent musician but I still can’t figure out what is up with the timing in that one part of the song Black Dog.
Friday 11/15
Saturday 11/16
16:08 # I’ve designated today movie day, so I rented Twisters. It’s decent, but the whole time I kept thinking about how much better movies used to be, like, say, when Twister came out. The production of the first Twister was apparently a disaster, but it’s still a great movie. I was terrified of tornadoes as a kid, and Twister tapped into all that fear and made tornadoes look scary as hell, but the tornadoes in Twisters looked like regular old average run-of-the-mill CGI from the stock effects library. Anyway. It was okay. Anything’s better than a superhero franchise.
- 18:36 # I can now report that Twister isn’t quite as good as I remember it, and the effects don’t quite hold up.. at least the non-tornado effects.. but it’s still a better movie than Twisters. Better sound too. They made the tornados sound evil and they made them look terrifying, unlike the new one. Also it seems to me it should be a universally objective fact that any movie featuring the music of Van Halen will always be better than a movie that doesn’t.
Saturday 11/23
10:34 # I found out there’s a new Night Court sitcom. It’s not fantastic but it is strongly reminiscent of the first one. However I don’t like what they did to the theme tune.
Sunday 11/24
- 19:07 # Arg I got caught in a rabbit hole of news bloopers clips this weekend. There’s really quite a large industry of people copying other people’s news bloopers clips and posting them as their own news bloopers clips and changing the years so the bloopers from 2021 are just copies of the ones from 2017, etc.
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