Twelve microblogging bits from ActivityPub.

Microblogging Journal through 7/29/2024

721 words.

Microblogging Journal through 7/29/2024

Dispatches from

Monday 07/22

  • 09:21 # Luckily I have avoided the entire CrowdStrike thing because, while it’s installed on my work laptop, it’s a MacBook Pro and unaffected. Otherwise it’s not on any Windows machine I own. Feel bad for anyone in IT support who has to manually fix and reboot every single affected machine without automation. Yikes.

  • 09:55 # Last night I encountered Bud Lady Romina in the Elden Ring DLC. I expected another 100 rep multi-day affair but it actually didn’t take that long (relatively speaking, it was 17 total attempts).

Tuesday 07/23

  • 10:57 # I think I have have a Blaugust idea that combines an experimental technical feat that I’ve never done before (or at least, not recently, and not in this exact way), with a creative outlet that sounds fun, with a new feature for the blog, with trying to do something interesting with some of my old NaNoWriMo writing. Basically, I’m going to make a new section of the blog that you can add to a podcatcher, and then I’m going to read and evaluate some of my old writing to see if it’s any good. I’ve got a few details to iron out but I think I’ve come up with a workflow that will be sustainable as a daily task for a month.

  • 18:10 # I need to re-cut some of my Elden Ring DLC videos for better narrative flow and I’m not looking forward to it.

  • 21:38 # Welp I got to that part in the Elden Ring DLC where you have to fight four cheating dodging infinite stamina NPC invader type dudes at once so I guess that’s the end of the DLC for me. I mean it took me almost 100 tries to get Messmer but each time I kept thinking, “well maybe I’ll get lucky this time.” Not even luck could help in this fight. There simply HAS to be a way to increase my character’s damage output (by like double) or this is never ever going to happen.

    • 07:53 # So it turns out there are some other areas I can explore before the four cheating NPC invader fight. Hopefully I can increase my Scadutree Blessing significantly before I return. (There’s also apparently a second cooperator I should be able to summon which wasn’t there last night.)

Wednesday 07/24

  • 22:40 # Yay another night of excitedly starting to play the Elden Ring DLC and exploring a new area, and then running into a boss that cheats and sucks all the fun out of the game.

Thursday 07/25

  • 10:47 # I ended up defeating Commander Gaius last night after some 45 deaths or so. As per usual with Elden Ring, it was mostly luck. My killing blow just happened to land before his mid-swing attack landed. Shrug. Another meaningless fight, where the only winning strategy is “be patient.” And also make sure you have a show to watch or a podcast to listen to during the endless repetition of trying to kill these cheating Elden Ring bosses that just randomly kill you out of the blue whenever they feel like it. Remember when From Software designed their bosses to fight fair? Seems so long ago.

    • 10:49 # This is to say nothing of the Scadutree Avatar, which I walked away from after it resurrected itself the second time because I’m a normal person who does not enjoy being trolled by a game.

Friday 07/26

  • 09:12 # I went back and felled Midra the Lord of Frenzied Flame last night. I didn’t think I’d ever beat that one because it was so random and, it should go without saying for Elden Ring bosses at this point, it cheats so so much. Fortunately I was able to employ the most powerful boss-fighting tactic in Elden Ring: Luck.

Sunday 07/28

  • 21:00 # I’ve mostly given up on finding things in the Elden Ring DLC and have now started looking things up in a wiki. And a good thing too because I never would have found this gesture or what the gesture was supposed to do in a million years.

    • 21:01 # Wikis have led me to believe that I’ve hopelessly boned the Thiollier questline, so I guess I won’t be getting any help from him in this cheating four-NPC invader fight in Enir-Ilim.


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