Astellia Online First Impressions

923 words.

Yesterday I decided to roll the dice and bought the $30 standard buy-to-play edition of Astellia Online. I’ve heard that it’s “okay.” But I like the idea of paying a modest fee and having essentially lifetime access to the game. (Its lifetime, not mine, probably.)

It's a nice-looking game if nothing else.

I paid $30 for Black Desert Online back when it came out, and I haven’t regretted that choice. I only played for a month or so, and haven’t really touched it since, but I appreciate that I can still log in whenever I want to look at it. So I’m applying the same logic here.

Another part of me was thinking that this is essentially the only new “traditional” MMORPG that we’re going to get in 2019, so it seems like I should make at least a modest effort to “vote with my dollars” and say, “Yeah, maybe keep making these.”

So how is it? Well, in a nutshell, my first impressions after a couple of hours are the same as most everyone else’s: It’s “okay.”

I’ll give you the two biggest complaints I have which I haven’t seen anyone mention before. The first is that the loading screens are really long. Maybe it’s just my computer. I don’t run games on an SSD so it’s probably more pronounced.

My second complaint which could either be seen as a negative or an asset (for the comedic value) is that the English localization is not very good. The text translations look like they came through Google translate, and the voice acting is … well, it’s very anime. It often doesn’t match the text, either. It’s a mixed bag, but it’s definitely a weakness. I personally found the tutorial voiceover extremely hilarious, because it sounded exactly like a telephone voicemail voice. But I’m pretty sure comedy isn’t what they were going for.

You get a horse in the tutorial, by the way. An "inferior brown" one.

Other than that, I’m having a hard time thinking of things to say about it. The game looks like an exact copy of Black Desert Online in most respects. However, the game mechanics work more like a traditional tab-targetting MMORPG than BDO. That’s a good summary of the game: It’s Black Desert Online, except it’s a tab-targeting model instead of an action combat model. (And thus far, there isn’t anything like the deeply complex trade system in BDO. I haven’t yet encountered any crafting or economy whatsoever, actually.)

Combat is focused around utilizing “astels,” which are basically pets, to augment your own abilities. You can probably guess that’s where they expect to make most of their revenue: Selling astels in the cash shop. It’s hard to tell how valuable these things will be in combat, because at the start of the game, you can easily auto-attack every enemy to death. As with most new games, there is no chance whatsoever that you’re going to die in the first hour or two or six or twenty. You would have to get up from your chair and walk away from the computer in the middle of a fight to have even a tiny chance of getting close to death.

If you’re an adult man raised in Western society, you can also expect to get that vaguely uncomfortable feeling over how young all the women look in the game. You can only choose a human character, and there are only five classes. It’s very difficult to make a female character that looks like they’ve graduated from high school. And yes, three of the five classes are gender-locked female. You can only play a male character as a warrior or an assassin. Mages, scholars (clerics), and archers are female-only. Almost every enemy boss encounter at the start is a very scantily clad femme fatale with extremely uncomfortable-looking clothes. The only nod to Western sensibilities that I detected was a noticeable lack of nipples (and, you know, gravity) in the otherwise almost-entirely-full-frontal-nudity costumes. (Remember when we thought TERA was racy? How quaint that game seems now.)

Screenshots also work without issue.

Anyway, as a game, it’s okay. I played the Scholar class, which seems to be a serviceable healing and ranged spell-casting class. I think you can specialize in later levels to become more healing-focused or more damage-focused later in the game. That’s about all I can say about it. There’s really nothing innovative that I can see in the first couple of hours. The story is basic and also completely muddled by the sub-standard translations, so it’s hard to follow any of the lore. It’s pretty standard “the gods have chosen you, now go save the world” Asian fare, as far as I can tell.

I feel like MMO news sites are going very easy on this game. It’s as if they all know this is the best we’re going to get in an MMORPG in 2019, so they’re trying really hard to find good things to say about it, to try to perpetuate this illusion that the entire MMO genre hasn’t been collapsing into a black hole lately. I find myself doing the same thing. I don’t really want to trash the game. But it’s hard to find anything exciting. Someone set out to make a game that looks like every other Asian game that we’ve seen before, and they succeeded admirably. It’s sort of the Asian import equivalent of a WoW-clone. It’s an Asian-import-clone.

But it works, and it looks nice. So, I don’t know, it’s better than nothing?

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Archived Comments

bhagpuss 2019-10-01T19:59:22Z

I thought they’d removed all the Gender locks for the Western version. That seemed to be one of the big selling points in the PR I read. Not that I care. I’ve never seen what the fuss about gender locking was. I prefer to play animal or non-human races anyway and you often can’t tell if they even have a specified gender.

I’m not sure I’d have bothered buying Astellia even if the genre wasn’t so crazy busy right now with more interesting things to explore. Also not sure why people keep talking down what seems to me like a boom in interest in MORPGs rather than a slump. Sure, it’s not 2006 any more but that’s hardly the point. More interesting stuff is happening now than for many years.

Astellia, though, looks like a one to two week F2P toy. Maybe play 6-10 hours in total, get three orf our blog posts out of it, never look at it again. $30 is nuts for this thing. The $10 sub is even nutser. Nutser is not a word.

Also, so far you’re the only blogger who’s posted about it. I thought there were a couple of others interested - Kaozz maybe, and Syp? I’m guessing that $30 price tag is enough to deter the merely curious.

TheRoyalFamily 2019-10-02T02:20:04Z Yah, I’m not going to just try out a game for $30. Not when I’m basically at the newb stage in two different MMO’s. Maybe if I wasn’t so busy with other games, and I could see getting at least a solid week (~15 hours), then yah, I’d try it. But I don’t see that happening anytime soon.

UltrViolet 2019-10-02T15:39:54Z Now I can see why game developers keep ramming cash shops and loot crates down our throats. :)

Mia DeSanzo 2019-10-04T01:22:11Z I have been trying to decide if I am going to drop money on Astellia or ArcheAge Unchained. I can’t afford to do both right now. I played Asteliia in CBT, and it was an adequate game. I am interested in seeing what happens with ArcheAge Unchained. I want to support buy-to-pay hybrid monetization games. I don’t like being locked out of a game I paid for because I didn’t cough up $15 this month. And there are some really aggressively monetized free-to-play games that go beyond pay-to-win to basically pay-or-you-can’t -do-anything. I want to encourage companies to monetize through cosmetics and maybe a few convenience items that don’t throw the game out of whack. Anyway, I want to support the b2p with a lighter cash shop burden if I can.

UltrViolet 2019-10-04T14:04:18Z They are two different kinds of games so it’s a hard call. I can only say I would have bought ArcheAge Unchained in a hot second except for one thing: I already spent a lot of money on ArcheAge when it launched but Gamigo is not even offering a tiny token discount for returning players. I would have accepted even a $1 discount, but nope, nothing. Which tells me they only want new players who have never played before. (And for those new players, I would say it’s a fantastic deal.)

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