Destiny 2 Gameplay Reveal Event
331 words.

The other day saw one of the biggest MMORPG* events on the Internet that I can recall in recent memory: Bungie’s Destiny 2 Gameplay Reveal Event. Since some of us have to work, I didn’t actually see it, but almost everyone in my timeline was watching it and commenting on it. It had the feel of an Apple event.
I never played Destiny, since I don’t have any of the new generation of consoles. (The newest console I own is a PS3, which has remained unplugged and in a box for several years. The only hope it ever has to see the light of day again is that one day I plan to buy and play Demon’s Souls.)
Furthermore, I’ve never played any version of Halo either, since I’ve never owned an Xbox of any kind. Therefore, I’ve never played a game by Bungie in my life.
So you can probably guess that my response to all this Destiny 2 hooplah is a little below the average level of hype. (The average appears to be frenzied, drooling gamers smashing pre-order buttons with mouse clicks so hard it shatters plastic, sending fragments and spittle flying in all directions.)
We’ve known there would be a PC version of Destiny 2 for a while now, but what we didn’t know is that it will be a exclusive. That raised quite a few eyebrows. The responses ranged the full gamut from “This is the worst thing ever!” to “This is the best thing ever!” Personally I don’t really care. I’ve never had any problems with Blizzard’s launcher.
I’ll probably get it, although I have to admit at this particular moment the prospect of playing another MMORPG after playing so many single-player games in a row feels roughly like contemplating sticking a large fork in my eyeball. (A subject for another post.)
* I’m not entirely sure we can describe Destiny 2 as an “MMORPG” quite yet, but let’s just say it is for now.
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