Reading Old Writing S1 E5 - Airworld (2012) [+audio]
248 words.

This is a reading from my NaNoWriMo 2012 draft, a high fantasy called Airworld.
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A small backgrounder on this story:
Naobi is a young Sister of the Order in a small backwater town in a world of floating islands in the sky. For reasons, she needs to make a journey to a place far away to help the town, and she books passage on a sothbarge, which is a large gondola structure hanging from the belly of a massive flying domsticated whale-like creature (a soth) that is used for navigation between islands. This passage is Naobi’s first flight away from home.
I really liked the setting of this one, only later did I find out the flying whale thing is kind of an anime trope. I never hit on a decent story to go with the setting and characters, but I did manage to complete and win NaNoWriMo that year.
In recent years, I’ve wondered about turning this into a D&D homebrew campaign setting. I think the Ebberon setting has flying ships and stuff already, so maybe it could fit in there.
Onward and upward! You know, on a sothbarge!
P.S. Yes I did, in fact, pronounce Motiva two different ways, because cold-reading 12-year-old writing on a catastrophically low-energy day is hard. Why do you ask?
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