Remnant: From The Ashes

7 entries. 3,917 words.


  • Is Remnant: From The Ashes a Souls-Like?. 2019-08-24. I started hearing some buzz about this new game called Remnant: From The Ashes. Most of what I’m hearing is that it’s “too hard” and that it’s a “Souls-like.” This of course triggers the usual “games have to make everyone feel like a winner” backlash, which is mostly what drew my attention. I’m sure the PR folks behind Remnant will be ecstatic to hear that, because I probably never would have heard of this game otherwise.
    • Musings
    677 words


  • Remnant: From The Ashes. 2020-08-14. Yesterday’s Promptapalooza topic du jour came from Just Geeking By, a blog that is new to me. Check it out. What are some of the things that get you excited in life? One exciting thing for me is discovering an interesting new make-believe world through the medium of games, movies, television, or books, which segues neatly into Remnant: From The Ashes, which is free on the Epic Store right now.
    • RPG
    329 words
  • And That’s It For Remnant: From The Ashes. 2020-08-15. Well that was quick. I got to the first boss fight (Shroud) and I’m ready to uninstall the game forever now. I chose “Hard” difficulty because I’m a Souls veteran. The combat has been taxing at times, but after some adjustments in tactics, easily overcome. Up until this one boss fight, when it became ludicrously impossible. Shroud has a million hit points. Shroud teleports away after every attack. Shroud lives in an arena that is choked with obstacles preventing you from moving around freely.
    • RPG
    553 words
  • And We’re Back In Remnant: From The Ashes. 2020-08-16. I’m rendering some videos so I have a moment here. Soon after ragequitting Remnant: From The Ashes because of the Shroud boss, I went back and figured out how to defeat that bastard. My recipe for success was: Replace the medium/short-range coach gun I was given at the start with a long-range hunter’s rifle. Upgrade the hunter’s rifle to +2. Install the Hot Shot weapon mod in the hunter’s rifle, which does stacks of fire damage over time.
    • RPG
    420 words
  • More Prompts and a Remnant Update. 2020-08-18. I got distracted with Remnant: From The Ashes, so here are the Promptapalooza prompts I missed: Tell us about a person/s or thing/s that has greatly influenced you. Most of the people on that list would be family or people I’ve known personally, but the first “famous” name that came to mind is Brian May, guitarist for Queen. I don’t play much like him, but his intellectual approach to musicianship has inspired me greatly.
    • Musings
    • RPG
    440 words
  • Finishing Games, Or Trying To. 2020-08-23. I meant to post this two days ago four days ago but I kept putting it off because I hated what I wrote and kept thinking that maybe if I just add a little more it will magically fix itself. So here we are. Not magically fixed at all. Then I put it off again because I didn’t feel like finding a picture. The Promptapalooza prompt from what is now two days past was: Do you “finish” games/hobbies/projects and move on or do you come back to the same things again and again?
    • Musings
    • RPG
    756 words
  • Remnant: From The Ashes Completed. 2020-08-25. First, catching up on Promptapalooza prompts: Tell us about some of your hobbies outside of the realm of your specific niche. Ugh. I feel like all my hobbies have fallen by the wayside. But music, writing, stuff like that. Tell us about some of your favourite antagonists and explain why. Recently, Abby from The Last Of Us Part 2, though I would say it’s arguable whether she’s an antagonist or a protagonist.
    • Musings
    • RPG
    742 words

Just so I know, this is a list template.