Or why nobody need bother starting a new podcast using humans from now on.

The Notebook LM Podcast on Endgame Viable on Elden Ring [+audio]

221 words.

The Notebook LM Podcast on Endgame Viable on Elden Ring

I saw a post on Uncountable Thoughts about Google’s Notebook LM making AI-generated podcasts about their blog. I hadn’t heard of Notebook LM, so I checked it out, thinking it would be quite silly.

Well, it is silly, but it’s also jaw-dropping and amazingly entertaining and I would happily subscribe to this AI-generated podcast talking about my own writing and YouTube videos. They get it, man.

The 7-minute “deep dive” podcast is attached to this post, featuring the vocal stylings of Unnamed AI Man and Unnamed AI Woman. You should be able to find a play button somewhere in the vicinity of this text to play it.

I did exactly zero work to create this. I entered a link to my blog, and then entered a link to one of my YouTube videos, and then clicked on “Create Podcast.” I did way more work to create this blog post than I did to create the podcast.

Anyway, just thought you should know. New podcasts are probably AI-generated from now on. (I had heard this before, but now I believe it 100%.)

Just to be clear, this podcast is roughly 100% pure b.s. but there are some kernels of truth in it. My blog is, in fact, “fascinating.” And I did, in fact, change my trousers while getting ready to fight Midra.


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