On Deciding Not To Post
1,080 words.
I’m writing this on the morning of August 9th, so it’s the ninth day of Blaugust. I’ve streamed and posted a first impressions piece about a game from my Steam backlog every day for 12 days in a row now. It’s been grueling work, but I’ve whittled it down to a fairly streamlined process, so it “only” takes about 2 cumulative hours out of every day, or merely half the time of a part-time job.

The generic "this is a post about blogging" picture.
But beyond that, writing every day has sort of inspired me to spend more time in front of a blank page and write more for the blog. It’s not terribly surprising, then, that I have written four additional posts in these nine days, above and beyond the one-a-day requirement for winning fame and fortune in Blaugust.
What might be surprising is that I’ve evaluated and judged all four of them to be things I don’t want to publish.
I thought it might be instructive to talk about what goes into a decision not to publish a post. Perhaps this is relevant to “getting to know you” week as well.
The first post was a very detailed description of the entire workflow that goes into making my Steam Backlog Bonanza posts. It’s a complex post, filled with technical writing that is meant to educate and explain things. These are very difficult, time-consuming posts for me to write, because there’s an art and a science that goes into instructional writing.
Every sentence needs to build on the knowledge of the previous sentence. Every sentence needs to be examined from the perspective of putting yourself in the shoes of someone who doesn’t know anything. Every word needs to be carefully considered as to whether the reader will understand what it means. I spent many days coming back to it, editing it over and over again, considering what needed more explanation, and what needed less explanation.
After four or five days I got sick of working on it. Now I’ve abandoned it because too many days have passed and the “fire” that inspired me to write it in the first place is completely gone. Not to mention that my workflow was actually changing faster than I could edit it into my explanation post. And it was intended to be for Blaugust’s “prep week” and prep week is long gone.
This is a common theme with me and my blogging: If I don’t finish editing a post quickly, within a day or two of the idea that inspired it, there’s a very strong chance I will never publish it, because I will simply lose interest in it, or some other external factor will render the post irrelevant.
The second post was going to be about how I simply can’t keep up with reading all of the blog posts in Blaugust. I only got three paragraphs into this one before I realized that I didn’t know what I wanted to say.
I started with that one topic sentence (“I can’t keep up”), then I veered into the topic of commenting on posts, which was a completely different can of worms. (Last year, I started a post about “comment anxiety” but never finished it, either.) Then I started a third paragraph about how I have a really difficult time reading blogs that don’t have RSS feeds, and how much of a struggle it is to find those blogs, let alone find them more than once.
With three paragraphs about three different topics, it was clear this post was wandering all over the world and not getting anywhere. (I generally like blog posts to contain one main topic.) It also occurred to me that it would be extremely difficult to find a picture to go with the blog post. The topic of “comment anxiety” also veered too close to the “personal” subject of social anxiety, one of the defining traits of which is to keep it secret. So I abandoned it.
The third post was a reaction to an offhanded remark from Syp on a Massively Overpowered podcast. He mentioned watching Netflix or something while playing MMOs. I’ve done that many a-time in the past myself, but it made me realize that in the last year or so I’ve unconsciously adopted a policy not to play any games that don’t have interesting minute-to-minute gameplay. I just don’t play games anymore that make me feel so bored I have to watch Netflix to play them. It feels like a waste of my time and money.
Reading over the post now, I can’t really explain why I decided not to publish it. I think I was probably second-guessing the reaction to it. I imagined that it would be perceived as a “controversial” post in the MMORPG space, and people would react badly to it. I imagined people would think I was “attacking” grindy MMORPGs and everyone would feel compelled to “rebutt” that claim. At the end of the post I see that I started to write a paragraph anticipating those imagined rebuttals, explaining that I don’t think there’s anything wrong with MMOs with a grind, and how I’ve utilized such games in the past, and then I felt like the whole thing went off the rails and I completely lost confidence in the entire subject.
The fourth post was some answers to that questionnaire thing that’s floating around. When I started it, I was sure it would be a great post, perfect for Blaugust. Then when I got to the end of it, the subject of my writing reminded me of how much of a massive failure I’ve been at most of my creative projects and thoroughly depressed me. I spent the rest of the day in a bad mood, so I definitely didn’t want to post that one.
I think the running theme here is that fear is the main reason I decide not to publish posts. If I don’t feel like a post has a purpose, or if I don’t feel like I can defend (from myself if nothing else), I tend to err on the side of caution and avoid posting it. Disinterest is another big reason. If a post doesn’t hold my attention, it’s certainly not going to grab the attention of any readers.
Now let’s see if this post passes my internal filters and censors and gets published.
P. S. It did, but it took eight days of fussing over it.
Archived Comments
Naithin 2019-08-17T22:49:12Z
The Netflix while playing something bit is interesting. I’ve definitely done it. Heck it’s basically mandatory if you want to pass the current iteration of the FFXIV ARR patch content before Heavensward (for me).
So I guess then the value equation overall has to look at whether the grindy pain you’re going through in the moment going to be paid off with sufficiently better content later?
I’m making a bet that it will be, but… We’ll have to see.
Or perhaps for a slightly more known quantity – WoW. If when I was playing that back in the day, I was in the process of just doing dailies and other ‘admin’ tasks to fund raiding or unlock something and no-one was around on voice? On goes a show.
But again this was sort of paying the piper toward continued ability to raid or to gain access to other things I especially wanted.
Whether or not this is ‘worth it’ I think is going to be a highly subjective, personal assessment. Clearly at times I’ve thought it was (or sufficiently believed in the fact it would be), but I can 100% see the other side and arguing that it isn’t.
… And this turned into quite a comment for something you ended up not posting! xD Sorry!
On this post more generally, yeah. Whatever the reason for initially not posting or getting to it might be, if it goes beyond say a week then the possibility of ever publishing falls through the floor for me too.
If a post isn’t working for you, or has become too much effort for you to warrant continuing, that’s one thing. But I would hope within the context of this community that the potential responses or simply the existence of a disagreeing perspective wouldn’t hold so much power to sway from making a post you otherwise started out interested in talking to.
Although of course, anxieties are not always a logical beast. So this may do no good, but I would feel remiss from not at least trying to say anyway: You should absolutely go ahead with your view on things, even if there might be some dissent.
I mean… How bad is having Bhagpuss come in and disagree with you anywho? ;)
Bhagpuss 2019-08-18T07:37:07Z
Heh! I’m not going to disagree, as such. On the Netflix thing, though, I find it utterly bizarre that anyone would attempt to watch a movie or tv show while also playing a video game. At the very least it means you are going to get les than you should be getting from both and at the worst it’s paramountly disrepectful, mainly to the movie or show and its creators. Not to mention that if neither game nor drama is sufficiently compelling to hold all of your attention, do ou realy need to bother with either?
That said, I do think it’s fine to have non-narrative, non-creative content going on in the background when you play games. I have the radio on sometimes, particularly cricket commentary, which is just like having a bakground hum of conversation. As I’ve said before, my preferred location to read fiction is in a cafe or public area where there are people around, talking. I find it easier to concentrate that way than in silence. When I was a student I always studied with background music or other sounds. I could never concentrate in a library.
On the posting or withholding of blog posts, I pretty much literally post 100% of everything I write. I almost never prepare anything. Maybe two or three times in eight years. I just sit down, hit New Post and start typing. When I’m done I read it back, check the spelling,so some edits and hit “Publish”. It’s not War and Peace, it’s just blogging.
Telwyn 2019-08-18T07:54:32Z
I’m the same when it comes to posts, they happen in a short time span (a day or three) or end up “forever drafts”. On the rare occasion they end up live much later it is usually because a tangential idea or other blog post has touched the same subject from a completely different angle and that inspires me to rewrite the idea or post into something I publish. I tend to write ‘fire and forget’ posts however, there’s an equally limited time window where I edit/consider a post and if it passes that it’s published without further thought.
I went through a short phase of watching Twitch streams but found them too distracting tbh. I’m not that into to TV to watch Netflix while gaming. But, I do often have Youtube mixes on - like the radio basically for music within a genre or by an artist. I rarely watch them, it’s all about the background listening. Some MMOs demand more attention than others, and some activities within the same MMO vary on this: I wouldn’t do this with SWTOR at all as I want to hear the cutscene dialogue. I often do this if I’m gathering/crafting in EQ2 or doing emissary dailies in WoW.
Kluwes 2019-08-19T00:11:40Z I find it hard to concentrate on a game and a show or movie even if it’s a repetitive game. Unless it’s something with a simple plot, like a sitcom, I can’t keep up with it and get nothing from either activity. However, I do use games with a repetitive game play loop to listen to podcasts. I find it difficult to sit and listen to a podcasts when I’m not driving. The games take a backseat to the show and give me something to do with my hands while I listen.
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