Games Played – January 2018
137 words.

A Bethesda-heavy month.
- Oblivion - 23 hours
- Fallout 4 - 20 hours
- Rift - 15 hours
- ShooterGame* … I mean ARK - 10 hours
- Morrowind - 10 hours
- Skyrim - 4 hours
- Dark Souls III - 3 hours
- Final Fantasy XIV - 2 hours
- ESO - 1 hour
It might seem like an even distribution of games across the entire month, but it was more like a sequential progression of games starting with Morrowind, then Oblivion, then ARK, and then the month ended with Rift and finally Fallout 4 sunk its claws into me big time (again), quite unexpectedly.
* I like to remind ARK that they never bothered to rename the default Unreal Engine project name “ShooterGame.” :) It is indicative of how anxious they were to throw something out on Steam as fast as possible.
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