
2 entries. 926 words.


  • YouTube Buying Twitch. 2014-05-20. Google is buying Twitch, apparently. Or YouTube is buying Twitch. Or something. I don’t report news, I just talk about it. This seems like one of those “surprising but inevitable” plot resolutions that we aspiring authors are always told to strive for. At first you read it and think, “Whoa! Google is buying Twitch! No way!” Then a second later, you think, “Oh, of course Google is buying Twitch. We should have seen that coming a mile away.
    • Responses
    • Streaming
    274 words


  • News: Ashes, Torchlight, Twitch – Blaugust 23. 2018-08-23. There were a few big news items in the gaming world that I failed to mention, largely because they didn’t mean that much to me, but if I smash them all together perhaps I can make a post out of them. From the Ashes of Creation press kit. Ashes of Creation and The first is Ashes of Creation’s publishing deal with My understanding is this is a European deal so theoretically it doesn’t affect me anyway.
    • MMORPG
    • Videos
    652 words