Hi! I’m an old reclusive Gen-X software developer who writes about games or projects I’m working on or what’s happening in the world. Not AI-generated since 2012, despite what ZeroGPT says. Except the images. :)

The 2023 Baldur’s Gate 3 Playthrough Index

Wrath Classic Launch

352 words.

There’s a bit (ha!) of buzz going around about World of Warcraft’s Wrath of the Lich King Classic launch today. (352 words.)

Reading Fail 2022 - Top of Mind

322 words.

I recently hinted that I was starting a new, innovative series of blog posts about nothing. I immediately abandoned that plan and decided to work on videos instead. (322 words.)

Blaugust Tallies

343 words.

It’s the last day of Blaugust, so I’ll now present my summary findings to the jury. (343 words.)

Lost Ark and Chimeraland

398 words.

Brief comments on a couple of MMOs I played for a little while. (398 words.)

Blaugust Lessons Learned 2022

482 words.

It seems a bit early to write a lessons-learned post before Blaugust is even finished. (482 words.)

Blog Changes This Month

417 words.

Blaugust inspired me to make some much-needed technical changes to the blog this month, which I will now try to recall for posterity. (417 words.)

Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead

372 words.

I mentioned Kruggsmash a while back. In one of his videos, he plays a game called Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead. (372 words.)

Intentions - Blaugust Deep Dream Journal Part 9

356 words.

In the dream, I came upon a statue of a one-armed woman holding a child. I asked her, “How come we judge ourselves by the actions we take but not by our intentions?” (356 words.)